
Milestones: Losing Baby teeth

E was turned six last month and as I’ve mentioned in a previous post before, he seems more grown up and is wanting to do more and more things himself.

It’s great to see, but for me it feels like such a sudden change and it throws me a little that becoming so independent.

Just last week, he was telling me that one of his school friends had lost a tooth at school and there was a lot of blood. He told me he couldn’t wait to have a wobbly tooth because it would mean he’d be like his friends and get a visit from the Tooth Fairy!

I told him to be patient and that his turn would come. I even said that I’d check his teeth to see if they had started wobbling yet.

Much to my surprise, when he opened his mouth I could see that an adult tooth had started growing behind his baby teeth. I checked his baby teeth and they weren’t really wobbling much. A quick Google later (how did our parents live without it?) and it turns out that this is very common in children. There were lots of suggestions saying that if the tooth was already wobbly that the adult tooth would eventually push the baby tooth out

I booked him into the dentist anyway as I thought it was best to get it checked out. I had pretty much convinced myself that they would check it and tell us to leave it to work its way out naturally so I very casually mentioned to E that the dentist was just going to check his teeth over and that it was very unlikely that they would remove them.

Well… how wrong was I?

The dentist said that because the tooth was quite far back and his baby teeth were not wobbly enough he would need to give them a helping hand to enable the adult tooth to gradually move forward.

I had not prepared myself for this at all. E seemed pretty ok about it when we explained what would happen but I was a bit shocked. I had to call Mr H to let him know what they planned to do to make sure he was ok with it and before I knew what was happening the dentist had started.

He began by rubbing some numbing gel onto his gums before reaching for the injection (eeek!) I honestly thought E was going to freak out and scream but he was so brave. He was chatting away to the dentist and didn’t even feel the injection!

Moments later both bottom teeth were out – I was so so proud of him!

That evening he was super excited about putting his teeth under his pillow. I made him a little mini envelope with a letter from the tooth fairy and some money and for once in the morning he was up and awake and said that the tooth fairy had left him a letter!

Ahhhh my biggest boy you were so very brave at the dentist. Let’s hope the next ones come out without the need for intervention!

About The Author

25 thoughts on “Milestones: Losing Baby teeth”

  1. Ah losing baby teeth. Gotta love that milestone, I ended up pulling my daughters first tooth out by accident. I was wiggling it as per her instructions and she pulled back. pop! she has yet to forgive me, this was a few years ago. lol #KCACOLS

  2. What a brave little boy you have! I am sure he went as soon as he could and told all his friends about what the tooth fairy left him! cute post 🙂 #KCACOLS

  3. Katy - Hot Pink Wellingtons

    Gosh, what a brave boy! I have to admit I’m not great at the dentist – there’s just something about something fiddling around inside your mouth, isn’t there?! #KCACOLS

  4. Erm, this is a little embarrassing, but when I had to have my first wisdom tooth removed, it’s possible I *may* have made a bigger fuss. I was 23.

    Well done to your boy! You must be a very proud mummy. x

  5. Oh wow I had no idea about this, thanks for letting us know Maria. I hope I remember this in a few year’s time. Glad E was so brave, that must have been worrying for you at the time, he seems to have taken it all in his stride. I hope he spent the £5 wisely. Claire x #KCACOLS

  6. Jaylan - Diapers at Dawn

    Aww well done E for being so brave! Why is it these milestones happen all of a sudden, it’s like one minute they’re all little and vulnerable and then blam everything changes all in one go x #KCACOLS

  7. The tooth fairy is a bit unpredictable. Sometimes she is sooooooooooooooooo busy she can’t get to it on the first night…Sometimes even the second night. She always manages to get there in the end and answer the page of questions and leave a pound coin. That hand-writing with the little bobbles on the end of every letter must take her ages. #KCACOLS

  8. A fiver! Wow inflation has really kicked in since I was a kid. I think I got 10p.

    Or maybe my mum and dad – sorry tooth fairy! – were just really cheap.


  9. So brave of him! No one really enjoys the dentist do they but what a lovely reward for having great teeth and for being brave! #kcacols

  10. The little envelope with the Fairy on the front – I had a stash of these at school in case any of my reception class lost a tooth (lots did) then when I ran out i couldn’t find out where to get any more from! Where did you get yours? #KCACOLS

    1. The envelope was given to us by the dentist – have you tried maybe looking on eBay? I can see how useful they would be at school!

  11. Sarah@teammomlife

    You are both so brave. I’m pretty sure I would have freaked out about this. Mine is still working on his teeth so I can’t quite imagine going through starting to lose teeth. Thanks for sharing! #KCACOLS

  12. Aw – bless him! I’m glad he got his tooth fairy visit though! My sister had this issue on a major scale – for some reason her baby teeth just didn’t fall out, way past the age they normally would, and her big teeth therefore grew through too, so she had to have baby teeth removed as well. #KCACOLS

  13. Wow, he is much braver than me! I’m really nervous for the teeth loss stage…I cant stand looking at the gaps, it really makes me cringe! #KCACOLS xx

  14. Pingback: Looking back at 2016: a roundup of our year | Suburban Mum

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