
Friends and Sleepovers – Living Arrows 41/53

I honestly cannot believe how quickly the weeks are going by! The boys have only been back to school a few weeks and half-term is already creeping upon us! We didn’t have too much planned this past weekend, we popped into Guildford for lunch on Saturday, what a miserable wet day that was but we had some delicious food at Turtle Bay which I will be writing up our review soon so keep an eye out for it.


E had a very exciting sleepover at the Science Museum with some friends that afternoon so we dropped him off around 4.30. He had a whale of a time learning and even tried his hand at screen printing. We had some friends around our house for the evening which meant M had some company and didn’t feel too lost without E.



Sunday, after picking up E from his sleepover, we went looking around for a new car for a few hours. We love our Zafira but think it’s time to switch. We started looking around last year for one but put it on hold until now. We’re hoping to get an SUV of some sort which is rather exciting! We were back home by 2pm and once the boys had done their homework we settled down to watch a movie together. We have to enjoy these sorts of weekends while we can before the manic run-up to Christmas – eek!!

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

About The Author

4 thoughts on “Friends and Sleepovers – Living Arrows 41/53”

    1. My eldest had so much fun – they did lots of activities and experiments but it was a bit of a late night so I would say you’d definitely need a quiet Sunday afterwards!

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