
Days out in the sun – Living Arrows 31/52

I took the week off work last week. Usually, my week off is usually filled with days out and activities for the boys but this year, it was much more laid back. We’re still in the midst of prepping our garden for artificial grass so most of the week was spent doing that. There’s been good progress as we have now dismantled both our shed and garage and have opened the full length of our garden. If you’re interested in seeing our progress I’ve popped them onto my IG stories.

On Thursday, we met up with some friends and went to Polesden Lacey. The sun was out and it was a gorgeous day.



We had planned to go to Mayfield Lavender on Friday but it was just too hot to be out in the blazing sun so instead, we opted for a day at home. The boys have been so accustomed to being indoors since lockdown that they’ve just happily played and watched TV. We did head over to a friends house in the afternoon for a barbecue which made a nice change. We’d not seen them since February half-term as they had been shielding.

On Saturday we went to Petworth House. We have most definitely been making good use of our National Trust membership this year and really enjoy meeting up with our friends every other week to explore new places.



The weeks really seem to be flying by at the moment, I can’t believe we’re in August already. Do you think the latter part of 2020 will ever redeem itself?

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

Read my previous Living Arrows posts

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