
Picnic and Bubbles – Living Arrows 25/52

Our weeks feel like they are all merging into one. The one thing that gives us a bit of respite is the weekend and the sun.

After saying that I didn’t think the boys would be back at school before September last week, I was really surprised to see a message in our class Whatsapp to say that from next week, school will be open one day a week until the end of term for Years 2 – 5. When I told the boys they were so happy at the prospect of being able to go back to school and see their friends, although they were a little disappointed that it was only going to be for one day a week.

As it was Father’s Day on Sunday, we pre-booked tickets to a National Trust park in Sevenoaks where we met up with the in-laws for a picnic. We’d not seen them since January so it was a long time coming. It was a lovely day and the boys spent their time playing with a new bubble wand that I had bought for them. We attempted kite flying again but it wasn’t quite windy enough this time.



I am looking forward to the slight change in our routine next week. The boys will both be going in on different days which will make homeschooling a little easier and will also mean we get to have a bit of one-to-one time with them separately.



I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

Read my previous Living Arrows posts

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