Dim Sum, LEGO and Hot Chocolate – Living Arrows 13/52

We’ve had the normal routine of work and school this last week and the sun coming out indicated that Spring is finally here – hurrah! Friday (my day off) I went into London for a meeting and then had lunch with Mr H was made a really nice change of my usual Friday catching up on blog work at home.

M came out of school with a certificate he’d been awarded for “an excellent delivery of his lines for assembly” which they’ve been practising at school all week.

Saturday, him and I were up and out early as he was invited to a Pizza Express party. E then had a birthday to go to in the afternoon so the day was spent chauffeuring them around and tidying up the house.

Sunday was, of course, Mother’s Day so I had a lie-in and had tea brought to me in bed. I was also treated to Dim Sum in China Town.


We popped into the LEGO store after so the boys could have a look to see what they wanted to spend the Amazon vouchers that they got from Christmas. We then took a slow walk into Covent Garden, watched a few street performers and ended our day in the Transport Museum cafe where the boys had the biggest hot chocolates I’ve ever seen.


We’re on the home straight to the Easter holidays now – I am really looking to pyjama mornings and some days out with my favourite people!

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

Read my previous Living Arrows posts

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