
How to take care of your hands to keep them smooth and free of wrinkles

We use them to write, to carry out our daily tasks, and sometimes to play the guitar. Our hands are incredibly useful tools all day every day. They are one of the most exposed parts of our body. Unfortunately, they’re often not taken care of and end up filled with wrinkles and age spots. They are constantly being used and abused, and as a result, they often show the signs of ageing first. Here are some tips on how to take care of your hands to keep them looking young and healthy.


Exfoliate your hands

When your hands are exfoliated, it means that all of the dead skin cells have been removed. Exfoliation is important because it helps you get rid of flaky or dry patches that can give away how old your hands really are. You should exfoliate once a week, but just be aware that if you do it too often, the skin on your hands will start to become red and irritated. You can exfoliate with a pumice stone or by simply putting some sugar in a bowl and adding some olive oil. Then, rub this mixture on your hands and rinse it off.

Hand creams & treatments

When your hands are dry, it’s nearly impossible to keep them looking young. That’s why hand creams and treatments are so important. They help to remove the dead skin cells that accumulate on your hands over time, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and making your hands look younger. Use hand creams at night before you go to bed so they can work their magic while you sleep.

Exfoliation is good as mentioned earlier, but it can be too harsh for some people. If you have sensitive skin on your hands, try using a paraffin wax treatment instead. To apply the treatment, simply pour two tablespoons of petroleum jelly into a bowl and place it in the microwave until the jelly has melted into a liquid.

Keep your hands hydrated every day

Keeping your hands hydrated is essential because it keeps them looking smooth and young, but also because it prevents them from becoming dry and cracked.  This is especially true in the winter when you’re spending a lot of time indoors with the heat blasting.

To keep your hands hydrated, simply add some olive oil to a bowl and soak your hands in it for about five minutes. Then use a towel to pat the excess oil off before you go to bed at night. You can also do this by making sure that you always have a bottle of water with you, or else by using hand creams daily. Make sure to use hand cream first thing every morning, after you’ve washed your hands.

Be gentle with your hands

Many people are rough with their hands, forgetting that they’re not an object that can be treated harshly. Be gentle with them because you have to keep in mind that they’re your tools for writing, cooking, and playing the guitar.

When you wash dishes, be sure to wear rubber gloves and use a gentle soap. Don’t pull at your hands when you’re wearing the gloves and always rub them gently in circular motions. When you dry them, blot instead of rubbing them which can split the skin. You’d hate to damage them before it’s time because then you wouldn’t be able to do the things you love to do.

Use sun protection

Your hands are usually the first thing that is exposed to UV rays when you step outside, so it’s important for them to be protected. Wear a pair of gloves when you’re gardening or doing anything outdoors, and make sure to apply sunscreen before you go out in the sun.

If your job requires you to work with your hands all day, you should ask your doctor for a pair of thin cotton gloves to wear. This will protect your hands from getting dry and cracked while still allowing them to breathe.


Don’t forget about your cuticles

Your cuticles can look pretty ratty if they’re not kept in good condition which gives away how old your hands really are. Use a cuticle stick to push them back and apply hand cream. If you don’t have a cuticle stick, you can also use an orange stick or a clean, sharpened bamboo skewer. Make sure to push them back every day and apply a rich hand cream over the top of them.

Now that you know a few tips on how to take care of your hands, it’s time to put them into practice! The best way to keep your hands looking young and smooth is by using a combination of these methods. If you can stick to a routine that incorporates all four of these tips, your hands will look good for years to come.

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