How to care for your skin before and after a bikini wax

The bikini wax is without question one of my least favourite areas to have waxed, but as all the girls out there know, it is also one of the most important. Something which I have been guilty of in the past, however, is failing to really look after the skin around my bikini line before the wax, only really giving it attention afterwards when it is pretty raw and pretty sore. My go-to girl when it comes to bikini waxing Sydney has been giving me some amazing pointers on looking after my skin and they have really helped with the pain, the recovery and the overall look of my bikini line, so I wanted to share them with all of you.



Around 3 days before you are due to have your wax it is essential that you exfoliate in that area, nothing intense, just a gentle scrub. The reason for this is that skin cells will often collect in that particular area, and that means that you are running the risk of blocking the hair follicles, which could result in having ingrown hairs, and will definitely cause irritation. This is a game-changer in terms of minimising irritation after the wax.

No Shaving

As difficult as it is, you should let the hair in the area grow to around a quarter of an inch, which is going to be unsightly but very helpful. The reason for this is that the wax strip needs to be able to grab hold of some hair in order to bring it outright from the follicle, failure to do this will result in some very sore skin.


Always remember that if you are on your period then you shouldn’t be getting waxed and that is because the skin is so much more sensitive during this time. Not only this but let’s be honest, having a period is bad enough without throwing some unsightly and painful waxing to the mix.

Aloe Aloe

Ignore all wonder treatments and skin creams or lotions which promise you skin paradise, they won’t work as well as good old fashioned aloe vera, or products which feature the plant. Aloe vera not only helps to soothe the skin but it also keeps the pores and follicle areas clean which encourages your skin to repair quicker.


Never wear tight clothing after you have had a wax, not only because it is going to be super uncomfortable but also because it can actually trap bacteria on the skin. After a wax, we are much more likely to get an infection. Keep your clothing baggy and make sure that the area of your skin has got room to breathe, this will both help to avoid infection and it will feel more comfortable as you are moving around.

Be sure to follow these tips in order to ensure that your skin is healthy going in and is well looked after coming out of your bikini wax.

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