How to cope with fertility stress and anxiety

Dealing with fertility issues can be one of life’s most challenging problems. It’s so fundamental to who we are as humans. When it goes wrong, it greatly impacts who we are and what we do.

Fortunately, there are some ways to deal with it and cope with what’s happening. It just requires knowing the psychological hacks to get yourself to a better place.

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Here’s what to do:-

Get support from people who understand

You don’t have to go through your fertility journey alone. There are thousands of people who will understand your predicament and be able to offer advice and support.

For instance, you can get help from people who are going through similar challenges, such as online forums, support groups, or counselling. You can also seek support from people close to you, such as family and friends.

Take better care of yourself

You can also take care of yourself. Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s essential for your well-being. Make sure you get enough rest, eat well, exercise regularly, and do things that make you happy. Find ways to bring extra joy and contentment into your life, even if your fertility isn’t what you hoped it would be. Find ways to improve your health in other dimensions and focus on your mental well-being. Do deep breathing, yoga, meditation and massage to improve your daily experience.

Focus on what you can control

Next, changing your orientation to focus on what you can control is a good idea. While you might not have magical powers over your fertility, there are other things in your life that you can adjust.

For instance, you can choose your attitude, your actions, and your reactions. Whether you are optimistic, pessimistic, or somewhere in the middle is entirely up to you.

It’s also your decision whether you go to a fertility consultation to see if other options are available. Modern technology can provide answers.

Get professional help

When stress and anxiety are overwhelming, you can experience various unpleasant symptoms such as panic attacks, depression, insomnia, or suicidal thoughts. When this happens, don’t keep it to yourself. Reach out to professionals who can help you. Being infertile affects millions of people and is something mental health providers have experience managing. Just approaching a professional can be an excellent way to improve your situation and feel better about it. They can provide you with medication, therapy, or other interventions that can help you cope better and improve your quality of life. Common interventions include things like anti-anxiety drugs and antidepressants. However, they may also recommend CBT and other talk therapies to help you get out of a rut and on the path to better health and well-being.


In summary, coping with fertility (or infertility) stress and anxiety can be challenging. However, there are numerous techniques available to help you get your mental well-being back on track. Remember, most fertility situations are not hopeless. There are methods available now thanks to technology, to enable you to have a child.

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