Earn money from your photos with Gallerist

Do you like to take photos?

These days we are never far from having a camera to hand. It’s so easy to whip out our phones to capture a moment.

I have thousands and thousands of photos of my boys. I can’t help being snap happy and having those memories to look back on in years to come.

I also like to dabble and learn to take better photos so I am constantly snapping at anything and everything. I take lots of photos of our surroundings: trees, birds, flowers and buildings.

Recently, I was introduced to Gallerist, a visual marketplace where you can buy, sell and use original photos. This means that not only do you have the potential to earn money from your photos but you can also find photos for your own use too.

I was really intrigued by the possibility of earning some money through selling my photos so I looked into the Gallerist app a little more.

How does Gallerist work?

The Gallerist is a free app that you can download to your phone. It’s available on both iOS and Android. You can then either register or log in through Facebook or Twitter.

Once you’re logged in you can then choose whether you want to be a buyer or seller (you can also choose to do both)

Selling photos with Gallerist

To sell your images through Gallerist, you simply upload them via the app. You can create albums for different themes which are then visible to other Gallerist users. Potential buyers can then see these images through the app and can choose to purchase them.

I really like the idea of Gallerist, as an app, it’s readily available for you to upload your photos. Not only that, as a blogger it’s also a useful resource for finding images too.

I can see this app being useful for amateur photographers wanting to get their images out there and also for content creators (like bloggers) who have the need to source images for their pieces.

If you’d like to find out more about Gallerist and how you can possibly earn some money from your photos check out the Gallerist website. You can also find some useful tips on creating good quality images on their Facebook page.

About The Author

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