Essential wordpress plugins for blogging

This is a list of the essential WordPress plugins that I use for blogging. It’s been sitting in my drafts for ages, and I have finally gotten around to finishing it. Have a read-through – do you use any of these already?

1. Broken links checker
This does what it says on the tin. A very useful plugin that lets you know of any broken links, images or redirects on your site. You can set it up to notify you by email or via your WordPress dashboard.

2. WP Smush
This plugin helps reduce the file size of your images without losing quality thus enabling your site to load faster. Once installed and activated, you simply continue to add images into your media library as normal, and it does all the work for you reducing image sizes by up to 10%.

3. WordPress SEO Friendly Images
SEO Friendly images automatically adds in alt and title attributes to all your image tags which helps improve traffic from search engines.

4. Google Analytics Dashboard for WP
I’ve found this plugin so useful as it has meant that I don’t need to login to analytics separately to see my stats. I can see my analytic numbers just by viewing my WordPress dashboard.

5. Update drafts backup and restoration
If you have a blog or website its pretty essential to back up regularly and that means not just your blog posts but your WordPress theme, files and database too. This plugin allows you to set up a regular backup schedule that can be emailed or automatically backed up onto cloud services such as Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive and more.

6. Revive Old posts
You can set up this plugin to automatically tweet out your old posts at set intervals, how many posts you want to share each time and also exclude any categories. For example, I have excluded anything under the “competition” category.

7. Thank me later
I use this plugin to thank readers on my site for commenting on my blog posts. You can set up a tempate for your thank you email and ask them to check back for a reply.

8. WordPress Editorial Calendar
This is very useful to see all of your scheduled posts in a monthly format (are any of you that organised because I seem to be much more of a write then publish sort of person?) On the occasions where I have been organised enough though – this has come in very handy. The great thing is you can also drag and drop posts directly into the calendar and edit them from there too.

9. WP Drafts for friends
This plugin is great if you want to send a post to be proofed or checked over by a brand or a friend without actually publishing the post live. It cleverly generates a unique link only they can access and you can also set how long the unique link can be visible for. I’ve used this a couple of times and it’s really simple to use.

10. Custom Pinterest Pin It button
There are alot of pinterest plugins out there but I was looking for something where I could add my own custom “Pin It” image to be inline with the design of my blog. This plugin does the job nicely.

What are your WordPress essential plugins? Drop me a comment – I’d love to know what they are.

About The Author

11 thoughts on “Essential wordpress plugins for blogging”

  1. Fab recommendations, i’ll have to keep coming back each time I try one and then try another. Great post, thanks for sharing!

  2. This is very helpful, thank you. I’m planning on switching over to a Premium WordPress site in a few months, so this will come in very handy. #brilliantblogposts

  3. Ooh this is a great list. The WP Smush and the SEO images are new to me, I’ll have to check those out 🙂

  4. I use blogger platform for my blog, but will definitely look at some of these plugins – especially no 5 for our Company website which is WordPress based #TenThings linky Dianne

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