
Educational fun with Brainstorm Toys Mega Globe

Summer means kicking back, relaxing and having fun when it comes to kids, but it doesn’t mean they can’t learn along the way too. I’ve been attempting to keep the boy’s brains ticking over with a few activities here and there. E has been doing some Mathletics and I’ve tried to make an effort to get M into the routine of sitting down to sound words out to prepare him for school.

We were sent an Mega globe from Brainstorm Toys recently which was perfect for having some educational fun with.

Brainstorm Toys Mega Globe

The globe came well packaged, it’s definitely compact enough to pack with you on your travels for inflatable fun by the pool. Unfortunately, ours didn’t arrive in time for us to pack on our holiday but we had lots of fun with it at home nonetheless. I was surprised how big it was once inflated – its a whopping 50cm!

Brainstorm Toys Mega Globe

Thankfully, I had a hand pump to inflate globe which didn’t take too long. The boys enjoyed looking at all the different countries and had fun finding all the countries we’d been to.

It’s worth noting here that not all the small countries appear on the globe.

The globe comes with a sheet of fun ideas you can try, such as a Scavenger Hunt and World Alphabet. The boys preferred to play catch with it and identify different countries but I have a feeling it will become a handy reference point for them both once school starts.

The Brainstorm Mega Globe retails at £11.99 and is available at most retailers such as Amazon.

[amazon asin=”B001GAEA9U&template=iframe” link_id=”1583″]

*we received the Brainstorm Toys Inflatable Globe in return for this review. This post contains Amazon Affiliate links.

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1 thought on “Educational fun with Brainstorm Toys Mega Globe”

  1. Great uptake on an interesting toy that kids would love. It smartly combines the playtime with some learnings on the way. I am assuming it is well-built to survive the common pointy things in the backyard.

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