
Our December – Willows Farm, Christmas and Twinning

Happy New Year! I hope you had a lovely Christmas and enjoyed the break?

The kids are back to school today after the Christmas break and I’m a little sad its all over if I’m honest. It went by far too quickly! December was obviously centred around the big C and what a month it was. It felt like I spent the majority of it wrapping presents as I promised that I wouldn’t leave it all til the last minute and have a mammoth wrapping session. I’m not actually sure what’s better though…..

Healthwise, I’m feeling much better. I got my blood results back and I have an overactive thyroid again so have started taking medication and since then – no more migraines and blurry vision.

Here’s a little round-up of our December.

Work Do’s

I’ve not been able to go to my work do for the last few years now, they tend to happen midweek where its tough to get childcare. However, it does mean I’m able to gatecrash Mr H’s to make up for it. This year, we went to a Turkish restaurant on Drury Lane and it was so much fun! We were sat in the “Royal box” where we were wined and dined and entertained with live Motown music. If you’re ever looking to dine somewhere a little different I’d highly recommend Sarastro.


Willows Activity Farm

We visited the Santa Spectacular at Willows Farm this year and the boys had so much fun. There were loads of activities to complete including making their own cuddly Reindeer to take home. The boys favourite part no doubt, was being handed a magic key to Santa’s toy workshop where they had the pick of whatever they wanted!


Christmas 2017

The boys were on countdown to the Christmas holidays for weeks and so were we! We were all looking forward to the Christmas break and some much needed rest. They were beside themselves with excitement to find out what Father Christmas had brought them this year and I don’t think they were disappointed.


We hosted Christmas this year and had both sets of family around our house. It was lovely getting everyone together but no matter how carefully I seem to plan it, there is always so much to do an prepare for the big day isn’t there? I’d love to be able to take the stress of cooking away next year and go out for a meal instead. We’ll see if we can get that to happen for 2018. I am also in favour of going away somewhere too!



After Christmas day, our plan was to chill out and relax. We spent Boxing Day at home and the boys happily played with their new toys and we watched a couple of movies. We spent the rest of the holidays having lie-ins and staying in PJs. It was so nice to live a slower pace of life with no school and work to have to get up for and nowhere in particular to go.


If you read my Living Arrows post you’ll have seen that Mr H and the boys have matching Trespass coats! They are so cosy and warm I’ve been told I need to buy one to match too. Unfortunately, I don’t think they do those for women so I’m hoping I’ve escaped that request!


What did you get up to in December? Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2018!


About The Author

10 thoughts on “Our December – Willows Farm, Christmas and Twinning”

  1. Looks like you had a great Christmas break. Having lie ins and staying in pj’s pretty much sums up our break too! Love those Nerf Guns! We went to the Santa Spectacular too, we go every year it’s absolutely brilliant isn’t it? It has to be our favourite Christmas outing! Happy new year! #kcacols

  2. You’re very brave to host Christmas for all the family, we like to visit everyone beforehand and then have a quiet Christmas day at home. 🙂 Thanks for linking up with #KCACOLS hope you can join us again next time!

    1. Actually, after Christmas day it wasn’t too bad as we could then relax. Like you, we saw family in the run up too so Xmas Day aside we just had some nice family time x

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