
What we got up to over the Christmas holidays

Wow – it feels like forever since I posted! I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and New Year?

I had the best intentions to write a post about our own Christmas traditions and another on how we (E and I) survived his first full term at big school before the Christmas holidays started but then life (and Christmas) got in the way.

We have all had a really relaxing Christmas and New Year. It was so nice to have some quality family time.

Hubby finished up work around the same time as me this year so we had a nice run up towards Christmas with the boys. We took them to see Father Christmas at Chessington  where they also got to meet the Gruffalo. We also took the boys on the train to London to make use of our Merlin passes and went to the London Aquarium.

Meeting the Gruffalo

For the first time in three years, we were not hosting Christmas so we spent a couple of days at the inlaws. It meant that I had no choice but to sit down and relax and enjoy – which was a refreshing change. There was no last-minute panicking over forgotten items of food that I had forgotten to purchase or presents I had forgotten to wrap because I had hidden them away months ago!

We spent Christmas Eve morning with the boys at home. We let them open their stockings before setting off to the inlaws. Reindeer food was left out in the evening, as well as a snack for Rudolph and Father Christmas with a glass of milk. The boys were so excited I don’t think any of us got much sleep that night (we were all sharing a room)

Boys opening stockings on Christmas eve
Leaving treats out for Father Christmas and Rudolph

Christmas morning was spent in our pyjamas with the boys excitedly opening their presents from Father Christmas. The rest of the day was spent playing with their new toys while Mr H and I relaxed on the sofa watching christmas movies on the telly and snacking on nibbles, waiting for our Christmas lunch to be cooked – it was bliss!

Christmas Day
Christmas Day


Boxing Day was much of the same – the boys had a repeat of Christmas morning but this time with all the presents from friends and family that we didn’t pack to the inlaws. We then spent the afternoon round my parents house before having chinese hotpot for dinner.

Hotpot at Gung Gung and Por Por (Grandma and Grandad)

The rest of the break was spent with a mix of sale shopping, seeing friends and relaxing at home (both E and M went to bed later which meant we were all not getting up much before 8.30/9am). We also took the boys to see Disney on Ice (review to follow) and even introduced them to their first restaurant curry which was a huge success!


I have absolutely loved the festive period – only another 300 odd days until the next one!

I am well rested and geared up for 2015.

Happy New Year to you all here’s hoping it’s a good one.

About The Author

5 thoughts on “What we got up to over the Christmas holidays”

  1. It looks and sounds like you had an amazing Christmas. It’s such a wonderful time to kickback and recharge isn’t it #brilliantblogposts

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