Craft Corner: How to make a colourful Space Rocket

The boys have a love of anything that goes fast which means they pretty much love anything they can race with. Be it trains, Hot Wheels and even their bikes in the garden. Everything is a race. So when we were tasked with a Space theme as part of our Bostik Blogger role they were adamant they wanted a Space Rocket.

Here’s our step-by-step tutorial.

How to make a colourful Space Rocket

You will need:

  • 1 piece of card (optional)
  • Foam sheets
  • 1 empty Kitchen roll tube
  • Cardboard cone (available in most craft stores)
  • Washi Tape (optional)
  • Paint/paintbrushes
  • Variety of foam shapes/buttons
  • Glue/Glue Dots

Space Rocket craft

1. Paint the cardboard cone in the colour of your choice (this will be the top of your rocket) . If you can’t get hold of these in the shops you can make your own using some coloured card and stick together with some tape. Set aside to dry.

Painting the cardboard cone

2. Colour the empty kitchen roll tube. We chose to wrap a piece of card around ours, but you could paint it if you wish. Cut the coloured card to size and then glue to the kitchen roll tube. Set aside.

Cutting coloured card
Wrapping colour card around empty kitchen roll tube
Gluing card onto the kitchen roll tube

3. Now you need to make the Rocket base from the foam sheets. Draw the desired shape onto the foam and cut out. Then using that one as a template repeat another three times so you have four.

Adding a foam base to the rocket

4. Now you need to attach these to the rocket. Using a pen, mark where they need to go and use a scalpel to score a slit into the kitchen roll tube and insert. Repeat this process another three times. You now have the base of your rocket!

Rocket base

5. The cone you painted in Step 1, should now hopefully be dry. Place on top of the kitchen tube and either glue or cellotape to the tube.

Finished rocket

6. Lastly, decorate with foam pieces, buttons and washi tape.

Finished Space Rocket craft

Pin it for later:

*We were sent a box of crafts from Bostik in order to create these items.

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4 thoughts on “Craft Corner: How to make a colourful Space Rocket”

  1. Pingback: 19 Out of this World Space Crafts with Bostik Bloggers | Tots 100

  2. 1st its very cool, 2nd its a timely post that i have found because there is an activity session next week in my sister’s daughter school, so this is something i am gonna make for her so that she can take that to the school. Thank you so so much. I will subscribe to your blog for more posts like this.

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