Craft Corner: How to make Pipe Cleaner Flowers

Spring is here, although to be honest, I don’t think it can make its mind up and likes to keep us on our toes. One minute its glorious sunshine and the next all we’re getting is rain!

For this week’s Bostik craft, our theme is Flowers – read on to see how you can make these cute flowers from pipe cleaners.

How to make Pipe Cleaner Flowers

You will need the following:


  • Pipe cleaners in different colours
  • A small plastic pot
  • Pencil
  • Scissors

1. Choose two pipe cleaners for the colour of your flower (I went with red), one for the centre (yellow) and a colour for the stalk (green)


2. Take the first red pipe cleaner and fold it in half and cut. This leaves you with two pieces which you need to fold in half and cut again, giving you a total of four pieces from one pipe cleaner. Take the second piece and cut a piece the same size as the others, so you have five pieces in total.


3. Next, take the yellow pipe cleaner and cut a strip that is slightly longer than your red ones – as shown below.


4. Now take your green pipe cleaner, fold it in half and cut into two. You now have all your pieces ready to create your flower.


5. Join one of the green pipe cleaners with the yellow one by twisting them together.


6. Then, take the five pieces of red pipe cleaner and place it evenly around the yellow part. Now take your second piece of green pipe cleaner and wrap around the bottom to secure. Once this is done, you can start using the pencil to twist the yellow part down (as shown below)


7. Push the yellow centre, so it sits flat and then arrange the red pipe cleaners evenly around. Use the pencil to twist these around to form the petals.


Your flower is now complete!

You can do this easy kids craft for flowers for Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day or birthdays. Pipe cleaner flowers are straightforward to make, and kids of any age can easily make them.


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Pipe cleaner flowers

*I’m a Bostik Craft Blogger and we were sent a box of crafts from Bostik in order to create these items.

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