Bonding with bub: 5 tips for nurturing a healthy bond with your baby

Motherhood isn’t all lullabies, baby snuggles, and stroller walks with your mum friends. Sometimes, more about leaky diapers and colicky evenings. And during those challenging moments, it can be tough to bond with your baby.

newborn baby

If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by motherhood and are looking for ways to nurture and strengthen your bond with your baby, here are a few ways you can do that.

Establish a daily routine

Daily routines are things you do in a predictable way and at a predictable time every day. They offer an easy way to ground yourself during that newborn phase.

A few daily routine examples include greeting your baby in a particular way, such as signing to them at every feed. Whether you breastfeed or rely on the best formula for newborn babies, a ritual like this can help you feel more connected to your little one.

Even the specific ways you show affection and what you say to your baby at bedtime can be a daily ritual. For instance, reading every night can create a nice connection between you and your baby.

Put away your phone

You need your phone to stay in touch with the world, but it’s better to keep it away when caring for your baby. That way, you’re less likely to mindlessly grab it while sharing precious moments with your little one.

It’s important to be fully present and engaged with your baby, especially during the early stages of development. Plus, having your phone with you all the time might cause you to miss subtle cues that your little one is tired or overstimulated.

Practice skin-to-skin contact

One of the best ways to bond with your baby is to apply skin-to-skin contact right after birth. Your baby will want to be on your chest after they’re born, as this will calm them down, regulate their temperature, and regulate their breathing.

Skin-to-skin contact has been shown to promote the release of hormones that enhance maternal-infant bonding and even increase milk production. Continuing this practice for at least the first hour after birth is recommended, or as long as both mom and baby are comfortable.

Make eye contact

Whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle feeding, having your baby close to you and looking at you can help form that bond you’re seeking. Establish regular moments of eye contact with your baby, even when you’re changing their nappy or reading to them.

The baby’s best visual length is in the crux of the mother’s arms, and making different facial expressions when talking with your infant can help facilitate your growing relationship.

Interactive Play

Immersing yourself in play helps to foster connection and stimulate their development. So, take time to engage with your baby through gentle touch, eye contact, and talking or singing. Respond to their cues and gestures, creating a loving and interactive environment. Remember, your active presence and engagement during play are the best formula for building a strong and nurturing bond that will last a lifetime.

Though your bub may seem like little more than cute little blobs at first, your consistent, nurturing daily interactions can help you develop a close and beautiful relationship with one another.

Respond to your baby’s cues, babbles, cries, and coos, and exchange smiles and loving gazes throughout the day. These simple actions will nurture your baby’s feelings of security and connection with you, laying the foundation for lifelong memories.

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