
A quick guide to help you sleep better

For many people, insomnia is becoming an increasingly common problem.  A lot of people are turning to natural remedies to improve their sleep. There are many options available, but some seem even more effective than others.  This article will recommend methods for easily falling asleep.


Get a good mattress

Having a comfortable mattress can also help you sleep better.  This is because most people spend so much time in their beds that having one which suits your needs will ensure that you have no issues falling asleep. Be sure to take the time to research the most popular mattresses before making a purchase, as this will pay off in the long run. There are many mattress companies out there now offering organic mattresses, which contain little to no chemicals or harmful ingredients.

If you are not in the market for a new mattress, you can also purchase all-natural bedding like organic sheets and organic comforters which will be much safer for you and your family.

Exercise more

Studies have shown that people who exercise daily tend to experience more restful and longer periods of sleep than those who don’t work out regularly.  Strenuous workouts can tire your body out, leaving it craving proper sleep to recover from the increased effort. However, it’s important to keep in mind that sleeping right after exercising can be difficult, due to increased heart and breathing rates.  Be sure not to exercise too late into the day; doing so will only make getting to sleep more challenging.

Avoid heavy meals close to bedtime

Eating a large meal before bedtime can be a recipe for disaster, as the digestive process requires energy and will prevent you from sleeping.  It’s best to eat dinner at least two hours before going to sleep, and keep in mind that spicy or acidic foods may cause discomfort which leads to less than ideal sleep. You should also avoid snacking shortly before bedtime, as the insulin released with digestion can make you feel more alert.  Instead, opt for a small snack like milk and cereal before bed; this will prevent your blood sugar from dropping in the middle of the night.


Practice mindfulness meditation

Another great way to ensure that you get enough sleep is by practising mindfulness mediation.  This is a technique that involves clearing your head of all thoughts and focusing solely on the present moment. It can be difficult at first, but it gets easier with time. Meditating for just 10 minutes before bed will greatly improve the quality of your sleep, as it will clear your mind and allow you to relax naturally. There are many free apps that you can use to practice mindfulness meditation.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine

Although it may be tempting, try not to drink any alcoholic beverages or caffeinated drinks within six hours of your desired bedtime.  Both of these substances will drastically increase the odds that you stay awake until a much later time.  If you absolutely must have some caffeine, opt for green tea in the afternoon and evening; this will lessen the effects and allow you to fall asleep more easily.  Alcohol is bad for sleep largely due to dehydration, which can make it difficult to get a good night’s rest.

Develop a bedtime ritual

Developing a bedtime ritual is another highly effective way to ensure that you get the most out of your sleep. Doing something relaxing right before bed can help prepare your body for sleep by releasing calming hormones and making you feel drowsy.  Some examples include taking a  bath or drinking tea.  You could also just read a book or listen to some soft music before going to sleep. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as it helps put you in the mood to sleep.

Set up a comfortable sleeping environment

One of the most important components of getting an effective night’s rest is by setting up a comfortable sleeping environment.  This not includes your room temperature and surrounding lighting. Having the right amount of light in your bedroom can make all the difference in how well you sleep. Sunlight in the morning stimulates cells to produce serotonin, which will make you feel more awake and active. Therefore it’s best to avoid looking at bright screens shortly before bedtime.

Your bedroom must be cool enough for you to get a good night’s rest.  Studies have shown that most people sleep most comfortably at temperatures between 60 and 67 degrees.  Having the right pillow is essential to getting a good night’s rest as well, so be sure to have one that provides you with the proper support for your neck.

The most important thing is that you avoid using technology within an hour of going to bed, as the blue light it emits can hurt your melatonin levels and prevent you from sleeping well.  As long as you avoid strenuous exercise within three hours of sleep, eat a small meal before bed, and avoid caffeine after 2 pm you should be able to get more restful sleep. Just remember that it takes time to adjust your body clock to your new routine; don’t expect immediate results.

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