
A family friendly blog brunch

A couple of weeks ago we attended a Family Playtime Blog Brunch which was organised by Talks to Mums. I was rather excited to be able to take the boys. They love a day trip to London on the train and tube.

Although I’ve only been blogging a year, I know that most blogging events usually take place during the week where we have to either take the day off work or find childcare for our children to be able to attend. Some are organised at the weekend where we are able to go child-free, but it means we then miss out on family time and have to leave our other halves holding the fort.

The Family Playtime Blog Brunch, however, was (as the title suggests) family focused!

As soon as we arrived, M caught sight of the Crystal Holidays snow room and wanted to go in and play, but he was a little apprehensive about it without his brother who took a bit longer in persuading to go in.

It didn’t take long to warm them up though, and they pretty much spent most of the day in and out of that room.

Hubby had arrived with us but left after about an hour as he was meeting a friend so I was left to my own devices with the boys. We headed off to the Craft Workshop where E had great fun making Halloween Lanterns with The Disney Channel’s Lloyd Warbey (from Art Attack)

I couldn’t quite believe how much there was to do for the children. There was a playroom filled with toys and snacks from Bear Nibbles and chocolate milk from Rebel Kitchen aswell as face painting. The boys snacked on Kinnerton chocolate throughout the day, and they were given an advent calendar each to take home. E chose a fantastic Star Wars one where the light saber lit up while M chose a Thomas one.

Unfortunately because hubby left after an hour, I didn’t get a chance to attend any of the talks. The boys at 2 and 5 are too young for me to leave to fend for themselves and I felt it was unfair to drag them into the sessions with me and to expect them to behave. Instead, we concentrated on them running around having lots of fun while I took this opportunity to speak to some of the brands that were there.

Some of our favourites were:

Mini Hornit
We spied these while we were registering to enter the building amongst the pile of prizes for the raffle and I had a quick chat with Tom de Pelet about them when we were queuing up for the Craft Workshop. The Mini Hornit is SO cool – perfect for bikes or scooters and comes with 25 different sound effects! We will be reviewing these on the blog soon so keep your eyes out for the full review.

Mini Nom Noms
The boys had great fun creating little spice jars to take home and smelling all the lovely aromas of spices from the Mini Nom Noms stand while I had a chat with the ladies on the stand. They have created a range of ready meals with no added salt or sugar for both adults and children alike that are healthy as well as tasty and making our lives a little bit easier on the days where we fancy a night off cooking!

Perform UK
This was the perfect end to a great day. Matt from Perform was brilliant and managed to thoroughly entertain the children. They were in fits of giggles and were running around, dancing and generally having a ball. I was SO impressed with them that the first thing I did when I got home was checked out to see if they have classes in our local area.

Thank you to Talk to Mums for organising this fantastic event. We left with our tummies full of yummy food and chocolate and the biggest goodie bag I have ever seen as well as a game we won in the raffle!

I am already looking forward to the next one!

About The Author

8 thoughts on “A family friendly blog brunch”

  1. Ooh, this looks like great fun and so good that you were able to attend as a family. I went to the Family Travel Show with my blogger hat on this weekend and it was so nice to be able to take the kids and know they would be entertained. And we could spend the day together, which is really important at the moment as Mr TB is working away in the week #KCACOLS

    1. It was really great fun – i really hope they do more “family” based ones as its nice to be able to take the children. How did you find the Family Travel Show? We also went last week – we thought it ws good but could have been maybe less “exhibitiony”? My boys were high on sugar from all the sweets they were handing out!!!

      1. Ah yes! One of the first stands we visited gave us a huge bag of sweets. We avoided all other sweets after that. I used to go to a lot of exhibitions in a previous job which would have been totally unsuitable for kids so I came at it from that perspective. A play and activity area would have been a good addition 🙂

        1. Yes agreed a big play/activity area would have been great. I had the boys name down for the crèche but it didn’t look very exciting so we decided against it!

  2. What an amazing event – it looked pretty action packed! The boys are so adorable and it was so nice that you could all go too 🙂 What a lovely tweet to have gotten about them! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday Mim x

  3. This looks like a great event!! So much fun. Your kids ended up exhausted!! Bless them! LOL I was invited to a similar event but it was organised by Crystal Holidays directly and not by Talk to Mums. Love it! 😉 xx #FindTribe

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