4 ways that your family can be more eco-friendly

Aiming to be more eco-friendly is a great goal for families to take on. Everyone should do their bit to help the environment. You can even turn this into a family project. Yes, mum and dad will make some large changes, but children can get involved as well.

Here are some great changes that your family can make to do what you can to be more eco-friendly.


Take up Gardening

If you have some outdoor space, then you have a great opportunity to take up a new hobby that is enjoyable and environmentally friendly. Invest some time into your garden and plant bee-friendly flowers to encourage more pollinators in your area.

A great option is to set aside some space for a vegetable garden. Growing some of your own food allows you to try out some delicious fresh produce, and reduces your family’s impact on the environment. You can create compost to keep your garden and vegetables healthy.

Shop Locally

Whether you take up growing vegetables or not, shopping locally is another good way to reduce your carbon footprint. Many fruits and vegetables from other countries have “air miles”, which means that they’ve travelled for miles to make it to your store.

But if you shop locally, then the produce won’t have this impact. Even better, you’re helping your local area and encouraging more businesses to sell high-quality local products. As well as finding local fruits and vegetables, look out for locally farmed meat. Depending on where you live, you might also be able to find local honey, which is good for the nearby bees and good for you.

Use Renewable Sources of Energy

If you haven’t already, it might be an idea to consider making the switch to renewable sources of energy. One common sight that you might see on roofs nowadays is shiny black solar panels. These collect energy for you, and are usually more than enough to power your home during the day.

Before installing solar panels, be sure to consider the cost and make sure that it’s the right move for your family. Solar panels are relatively low maintenance once they’re installed, but you should financially plan for this investment and make sure that your roof is healthy enough for such a large structural change.

There are other options of renewable energy, although they aren’t always as reliable as solar power. Some families install a wind turbine to help out with their energy needs.

Use a Water Softener

One lesser known option is to use a home water system to soften the water in your home. Hard water, which contains a lot of minerals, can damage appliances and cause increased wear and tear on your clothes whenever you wash them.

When things get damaged before their time, they end up stuck in a landfill sooner than they should. Also, as your clothes get damaged, they release microplastics into the water, which is impossible to get rid of. Softer water can have a surprising impact on your environment.

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