
3 top tips to help your blog take off

Blogging is a great hobby to have – it’s a wonderful way to explore your passion and share it with like-minded people, bringing you closer to others with similar interests, lifestyles and experiences.

Once they get started, many bloggers find they have a real gift for creating content that draws in readers. Some are even able to build careers as influencers, connecting with brands and other creators whilst making the content they love.

If you’re hoping to launch your blog to new heights, you need to know how to stand out from the crowd and build a strong followers base – these three blogging tips will help you to do just that!


Engage with your readers

It goes without saying that engaging with your readers interests is the best way to keep them returning to your blog, and the content you create should actively encourage them to communicate and interact with you.

Comments sections on social media and at the end of blog posts create spaces for people to share their thoughts with you, which can often inspire the direction of your content. Not only is this a valuable way to generate new ideas for future blogs, but it also makes communication feel like a two-way street, meaning you are building a relationship with your readership.

Follow other bloggers

Your content should always be original and unique to you, but there’s nothing wrong with drawing inspiration from successful creators with larger followings!

These can help you to develop your ideas whilst discovering what makes you unique from them. Observe not only what they share, but also how they interact with their follows.

Making connections with other content creators whose work and interests are similar to yours can be a great networking opportunity. #Collabs are where it’s at in the influencer world, and with the right collaboration partner this can be an incredible opportunity to broaden both of your fanbases and progress as creators.

Get technical

If you’re looking to turn your blogging hobby into a career, you will have to learn a thing or two about the technical side of digital success.

This is something that so many bloggers avoid, but these days there is an increased understand amongst aspiring influencers of the importance of a strong digital marketing campaign that employs SEO tactics to maximise reach.

If that all sounds like another language to you, don’t panic. Digital marketing is an umbrella term that refers to all the things you do to promote your personal brand, and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) plays a huge role in this – it’s the process that pushes your pages up search engine rankings to place you in the path of readers who are looking for blogs like yours.

If you’re totally new to the realm of SEO, it’s worth enlisting expert help – Maratopia Digital Marketing are pros who can help you develop the campaign your content deserves.

These three top tips are sure to help your blog hit new heights

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