10 things you didn’t know about me


I was tagged by the lovely Lisa over at Mrssavageangel to write this “10 things you didn’t know about me” post. If you fancy finding out, you can head to the following:  10 other things about me

1) High leg or thong?
Wow – was not expecting that question! I don’t do either I have to confess I wear “mum pants” that hold everything in. I think. The correct term is “full briefs” I know – so attractive right?

2) Last time you got ‘throw up’ drunk?
Took a while for me to remember this one but I think the last time would have been around Christmas last year. I’d been out with our NCT group for a Christmas get together and obviously had a few too many. I was fine until I got into bed and the room started spinning – that’s when I knew I was in trouble! All of a sudden I made a run to the toilet except I didn’t make it that far and ended up spraying a little bit of “puke” over our bedroom wall. Hubby has great delight in reminding me about that now and then!

3) Chandler or Ross?
Oooh tough one! Ermmm… I’d think it’d have to be Ross?! I’m a bit of a geek myself, so I guess we’d get on well.

4) Ever broken the law?
I “may” have gotten a few speeding tickets in my time *ahem*

5) Coffee or tea?
I’m most definitely a tea lover. I don’t like the taste of coffee at all!

6) Best haircut you ever had?
This was probably about 3-4 years ago when I decided to cut my hair quite short, so it was like a long bob – I loved it but have since grown it out. I still go to the same hairdresser who is around the corner from my work though.

7) Mayo or Salad Cream?
If I had the choice, it’d be tomato ketchup every time but out of these two? It’d be mayo.

8) Most popular post you’ve ever written?
My “How do you explain death to your child” post seemed to hit home to quite a lot of readers – I still think about this every now and then and simply cannot imagine how many pieces my heart would break into if this happened to me. You would just never get over something like that….

9) Uni mates or School friends?
I’m still in touch with and quite close with both school, and uni friends so I would find it very difficult to choose! I’ve gotten to know partners and children of uni friends really well, so it’s great when we all manage to get together and catch up.

10) If you could have chosen your own middle name what would it have been and why?
My middle name is actually my Chinese name (Mei-Lei) so I wouldn’t have chosen to change it as its part of who I am. Following on this tradition both my boys have Chinese names as their middles names which my parents chose.

I’d like to tag the following bloggers:

Lisa over at Into the Glade
Kim over at Northumberland Mam and
Mud cakes and wine

with the following questions.

1) Are you a cat or dog lover?

2) If your partner had to choose only one quality that they admired in you – what would it be?

3) If you had to re-live any part of your life again what part would you choose and why?

4) What would your “perfect” day involve and what would you be doing?

5) What’s the most outrageous thing you have ever done?

6) Best Christmas present you’ve ever received?

7) Your most embarrassing moment?

8) Bath or shower?

9) Bare feet or socks?

10) Coke or Pepsi?

Have fun!

About The Author

2 thoughts on “10 things you didn’t know about me”

  1. MummyandMonkeys

    Chandler or Ross is tough, now if they had thrown Joey in there that would have been easier. Thanks for linking to #PickNMix

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