10 effective ways to empower children

As parents and caretakers, we want to see our children develop into confident, successful, and well-adjusted humans. Although it places a great responsibility on us, it is fortunate that we can play a significant role in their development, and thus, help empower them.

Here are 10 effective ways that you can empower children so they can reach their full potential.


1. Encourage your children to make decisions

Start from basic decisions like what outfit your kid wants to wear to school, whether they want a pink or blue toothbrush, which book they want you to read to them before bedtime, and whether they would like to have eggs or cereal for breakfast.

Knowing that they can make decisions about their own life will empower your children to be confident about their choices as they grow up.

2. Use Reggio Emilia’s 100 languages approach

According to the Reggio Emilia approach, an early education approach that originated in Italy, children learn in many different ways. It is important to give children the opportunity to show what they learn through a variety of media such as drawing, speaking, dancing, and writing.

Giving your children multiple avenues through which they can express what they know will help them feel competent and skilled, empowering them to learn more and to express their knowledge and interests. For a better understanding of the Reggio Emilia approach, you can read more here.

3. Give your children responsibilities

Making your children responsible for small things will build in them a sense of responsibility and empower them to accomplish tasks independently.

For instance, you can make them in-charge of counting the balloons for a birthday party, for choosing a healthy cereal for the family, or for ensuring that all the plates being set for dinner are clean.

Being made responsible will not only make your child feel like they have an important role to play within the family, but also that they are capable of playing that role.

4. Listen to your children

Your children have a voice, which they should be allowed to use. When you listen to the things they say and the things they are unable to express using their words, it empowers them to express themselves as they grow up.

Being listened to also makes your children feel like what they say is worth listening to and that they can express themselves in cases of disagreement. This will empower them to stand up for themselves and others.


5. Allow your children to take risks

When your child goes out into the world, they will inevitably face risks. While you might want to reach out and protect them, it is best to let them explore the world so that they can build self-confidence and learn to protect themselves.

So, if your child wants to go on the big slide or climb a tree, let them.

6. Avoid gender stereotyping

Gender stereotyping defines certain roles for boys and girls, restricting them within those roles. Adhering to gender stereotypes restricts children from exploring their interests and performing the activities they enjoy if they don’t conform to their assigned roles.

Instead, children should be encouraged to believe they can be anything they work towards. They should be taught ideals such as equality, so they feel empowered to work towards doing and becoming what they want.

7. Do not give negative labels

From breaking an expensive vase to drawing on the wall, children are bound to make mistakes. However, the way we discipline children for their mistakes can leave a lasting impact on how empowered they become.

If a child makes a mistake, avoid reprimanding them by giving them labels such as ‘bad’ or ‘rude.’ Instead, point out what exactly they should not have done and why. Children can internalize negative labels, impacting their self-confidence and self-esteem.

8. Explain motives

When asking your child to perform an action, make sure to explain why you are asking them to do so. Knowing the motives behind their actions will empower children to behave mindfully and think critically about what they’re doing.

Understanding that actions are driven by motives will also allow them to question when they see something they disagree with and empower them to stand up against it.

9. Teach your children about body safety and autonomy

Having power and autonomy over one’s own body is a fundamental aspect of empowerment. Providing children with knowledge about their body, autonomy, and safety is truly empowering as it equips them to keep themselves safe and maintain their wellbeing.

So make sure you teach your children about body safety — about their personal space, differentiating between ‘safe touch and unsafe touch,’ and how to respond in case someone touches them inappropriately.

You should also assure your children that you will believe them and take action to protect them if they complain about someone’s inappropriate behaviour.

10. Teach them empowering yoga poses

The physical and mental benefits of yoga are well-known, but there is little emphasis on how yoga poses can make both children and adults feel empowered.

So it’s a good idea to teach your children to stand in the Superhero or Pirate stance with their legs slightly apart, shoulders pushed back and hands on their hips.

Standing in the Superhero pose for 30 seconds increases testosterone levels (which are associated with power) and decreases cortisol levels (which are associated with stress), and makes children and adults feel and act more empowered.

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