
4 Ways to keep your children occupied in the Summer holidays

Once the children finish school for the summer holidays, anything could happen. They could spend the day playing with their friends or they might want to sign up to summer clubs to keep themselves occupied. But the worst scenario? They sit at home all day in front of the TV and complain about being bored. If they do that, it can drive you mad. So it’s best to try and keep them active to stave off the boredom. 


How do you do that? Read on for more info!

Buy A New Family Game
If you buy your child a new toy that they have to play alone, they could tire of it quite quickly. One way of making sure they don’t get bored of a new toy or game is buying one that the whole family can use. This way, you can encourage them to join in. And if they see everyone else having fun, they will definitely want to join in! Think about purchasing an outdoor game set, like croquet or cornhole. You can check online for new sets on specialist game sites like

Get Them Busy In The Kitchen
Young children love to help their parents. One of the best ways they can assist you is in the kitchen. If they are quite young, you can do simple bakes with them, such as cookies and cupcakes. But once they get a bit older, they will be able to help you with more complicated recipes. If you aren’t sure what to bake with them, you can help look for child-friendly recipes online. Kitchen skills are invaluable for children and they might even be able to take charge of dinner once they are teenagers!

Set Them A Challenge
Children can’t resist a challenge. What better way to occupy them than by giving them the challenge to complete during their weeks off school? You can tailor it to suit their hobbies. If you son or daughter is an avid bookworm, set them a specific number of books to complete before they return to school. Do you have a sporty child? There is a load of different sporting challenges suitable for kids! You can find ideas for sporty challenges online here.

Plan Some Day Trips
Family days out are fun for everyone! It’s a good idea to plan a few throughout the summer vacation. I’m sure there are loads of fun places within driving distance from you! To make sure the fun doesn’t end once you return home, set the kids a quiz about where they have just been. Not only will this occupy them for a bit, but it also gets their brains going! Even if you just go to the local park for a few hours, you can have an educational trip. Why not help them learn about local wildlife?

Boredom? Not this summer.
Your kids will never know the meaning of the word if you follow this handy guide!

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