
Review: Zoomer Zupps Tiny Pups

The boys are desperate for a pet. If they had their way we’d have Rabbits, Hamsters and all sorts. I don’t really do small pets like that because I know that it would be another thing I’d have to remember to feed.

What they really want most though is a dog. I’ve told E that as soon as he is old enough to help feed and take the dog for a walk we can get one. He asks me on a regular basis if he’s old enough yet and that when we do get one a dog he is going to name him Biscuit – cute right?

We were recently sent a Zoomer Zupps Tiny Pups to review so I hoped this would alleviate the boys longing for a real dog for the time being… (wishful thinking I know!)

Review: Zoomer Zupps Tiny Pups

Zoomer Zupps – Tiny Pups

So what is it? They are teeny tiny interactive doggies whose eyes light up and they respond to your touch. I have to admit, even though the name should have given it away, the pup is a lot smaller than I was expecting.

There are six pups in the range to choose from and they all vary in style and colour. We had a poodle called Coco who was very cute.

As Coco was pink, I thought the boys wouldn’t be interested in the pup (they are typical boys that like playing with cars) but I was wrong and they were curious to see what the pup could do. The toy comes with batteries supplies which is a big thumbs-up from me. It’s a pain when the boys have been bought new toys and batteries aren’t supplied.

Interacting with the pup

By petting the pups head, the dog barks and pants. You can also press her nose and she makes cute little sounds such as coughing and howling! Different sequences of petting and touching its nose activates different sounds and there is also a secret trick that can be activated too. The pup fits neatly into the palm of your hand and has wheels as it’s feet. My boys were expecting the pup to zoom off on its own accord until I told them that it didn’t move and you had to push her around manually. You can also move the back legs to put the pup into a sitting position.

Playing with Review: Zoomer Zupps Tiny Pups - Coco

Playing with Review: Zoomer Zupps Tiny Pups - Coco

Our thoughts

The boys were initially curious to see what the pup could do and whilst it made sounds when you pet the pup, it wasn’t enough to keep them interested for long. The Zoomer Zupps age range states from 4+ but I think it would be suited to a slightly younger age range as I believe it would capture younger ones attention and imagination better.

The range currently retails at £14.99 from most toy stores.

Playing with Review: Zoomer Zupps Tiny Pups - Coco

[amazon asin=”B01MTA6ML8&template=iframe” link_id=”6638″]

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*We were sent the Zoomer Zupps Tiny Pups for the purpose of this review. However, all thoughts are honest and my own. This post contains affiliate links.

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