
Why vitamin B12 is vital for optimal neural functioning

The human body needs different vitamins in order to stay healthy and function properly. Certain vitamins like vitamin B12 are vital for brain and neural health and should be regularly consumed in sufficient amounts. Scientists consider vitamin B12 essential brain food that is vital for the sustenance of individuals’ neural functions. There are various different reasons why vitamin B12 is extremely beneficial for the brain and the nervous system. Here is everything you need to know about why this vitamin is key for optimal neural functioning.


Formation of red blood cells

The nervous system needs a healthy blood flow and a sufficient amount of red blood cells in order to function properly. Vitamin B12 helps greatly in that regard as it plays a massive role in helping your body form more red blood cells that can, in turn, benefit your neural functions. Ideally, red blood cells should be small in size so that they can move easily in blood vessels and flow through your entire body to keep it moving and healthy. When your B12 levels are not high enough, the red blood cells can start getting bigger in size in a way that would make it harder for them to flow in the blood vessels or reach your organs properly. This can then cause various health issues including the reduction of neural functions and lack of concentration and focus.

Increasing energy levels

If you experience fatigue or are unable to carry on daily tasks efficiently, even after getting sufficient sleep, it could be due to nutritional deficiencies. As mentioned in this helpful guide, low energy levels and chronic fatigue can be a result of low levels of vitamin B12 in the body, which is needed to keep your brain active and give your body a boost of energy. If your brain has enough B12 levels, it can improve your neural functions and that can, in turn, make you feel more energized and ready to take on your daily activities.

Preventing birth defects

The brain and the nervous system are strongly connected; if your brain is healthy, your nervous system will be just as healthy and function properly. Studies have shown that during pregnancy, the fetus needs certain amounts of vitamin B12 in order to develop a healthy brain and nervous system. That is why many expecting mothers are advised to consume vitamin B12 in sufficient amounts to minimize the risk of any birth defects and help the fetus grow into a healthy baby with optimal neural and brain functions. Pregnant women should not be scared of consuming this vitamin during their term and can consult with a physician to get the right dosage that can benefit their baby and help them have a pleasant and healthy pregnancy.

Preventing loss of neurons

Neurons are responsible for having healthy and strong memory functions. Vitamin B12 can help significantly when it comes to preventing the loss of neurons that are responsible for memory functions. Therefore,  the vitamin is quite beneficial for those who suffer from certain memory issues related to the loss of neurons. Scientific discoveries show how older adults who show symptoms of memory loss or dementia can improve their condition significantly when they consume vitamin B12 along with other brain vitamins that can slow the progression of the disease.

Improving heart health

Having optimal neural functions starts with having a healthy heart that pumps blood into your veins in a healthy rhythm. Vitamin B12 is proven to have tremendous effects when it comes to improving heart health as it decreases high levels of the amino acid, homocysteine, which is responsible for heart diseases. Those who are at high risk of heart failure or have any kind of heart disease linked to high levels of homocysteine should consume more vitamin B12  to improve their heart health and in turn, their neural functions, and brain activity.

Consuming vitamins is vital to remain healthy and lead an active life. Vitamins like B12 are essential for healthy brain and nervous system functions that keep the body going and prevent different kinds of diseases. You can get the recommended intake of vitamin B12 from different foods or simply consume it in the form of supplements to give your body the boost it needs to remain healthy. Make sure you consume vitamins in a proper manner and get the right dosage to improve neural functions and avoid harming your body. Consult a physician if you are unsure about the dosage or if you start feeling any side effects or reactions to any kind of supplements or dietary changes.

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