Why is my bra so uncomfortable?

Many of us have a love/hate relationship with our bras. In many situations, bras can be necessary for providing modesty and support. However, bras can be uncomfortable – around 50% of women report experiencing regular pain from wearing a bra.

So is discomfort while wearing a bra normal, then? While many women do experience discomfort, it shouldn’t be the norm. In fact, a good bra should prevent pain – not cause it.

Why, then is my bra so uncomfortable? There could be a few reasons – most of which can be boiled down to the fact that you’re likely wearing the wrong type of bra. Below are just some of the common reasons women experience bra discomfort and how to reduce this discomfort.

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The cups are too small

Your bra could be uncomfortable because you’re wearing the wrong cup size. It’s possible to buy a bra with a cup size that is too big, however, most women make the mistake of opting for too small a cup size.

You can often tell if a cup size is too small because your breasts will be spilling out over the sides. Try a size or two up to see if there is a positive difference in the comfort – make sure that the cup is loose enough so that there is no spillage but snug enough so that there is no gap.

Once you know your size, shop for new bras that are available in this size. You can find sites such as this one that have a convenient bra size chart for helping you find available styles.

The band is too big

While many women make the mistake of opting for a cup size too small, many overestimate the band size that they need. If the band size is too large, it can cause the bra to be loose. This can cause movement in the straps and cups, which may lead to irritation and lack of support.

It could be worth going down a size to see if this has any impact. A smaller band could result in a more comfortable, more snug bra.

The fabric is itchy

If your bra is itchy or causing rashes, you may want to consider the fabric material. Some women find that synthetic materials like polyester can cause itchiness. In fact, some women even experience contact dermatitis from these materials.

A natural cotton fabric could be softer and more breathable on the skin. If you’re currently wearing polyester bras, try switching to cotton bras to see if there is any difference. Be wary that there are other possible causes of itchy breasts.

The wire is digging in

Underwire bras are very common. They are often necessary for providing support for large breasts – helping to prevent back pain. Unfortunately, the wire itself can cause discomfort for some people.

If the underwire is digging into your skin, you should look at the wire first. With some old bras, the wire can become exposed over time. If this has happened, it’s time to throw away this bra. A new underwire bra could be the simple solution.

Alternatively, if you find that all underwire bras hurt, you could try wireless bras. Wireless bras typically don’t offer as much support and are not recommended for women with larger breasts, however modern wireless bras have come a long way. Check out this guide to the best wireless bras.

Your bras are old and worn

Once bras become old and worn, they can start to cause discomfort. As already mentioned, the wire can become exposed. Straps and bands may also become stretched and loose, affecting your bra’s support. You could also find that cups become malformed or that thread starts to come loose and cause irritation. When you start to notice these issues, it’s time to get a new bra.

It’s also worth noting that our breasts can change the size and shape over time. Consequently, a bra that fitted you perfectly a few years ago may not any longer fit you now. Along with wear and tear, this can also lead to discomfort.

How often should you replace your bras? Many experts recommend every 6 to 9 months. If you’ve got a large selection of bras that are all in rotation, then you may be able to go longer than this. However, it’s important to measure your bra size regularly – if your breast size has changed within a year, then you should replace all your existing bras, regardless of whether they’re damaged or not.

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