What is a digestive tract detox and should you do one?

You’ve probably heard your gut called a “second brain.” But that’s not just a cutesy metaphor. Your gastrointestinal tract contains the enteric nervous system, a complex network with over 100 million nerve cells. It controls digestion processes, but it also communicates with the brain. So when your stomach doesn’t feel right, you don’t feel right . A digestive tract detox can help put things back on track. Learning what it is and how it works can help you understand its potential benefits.


Benefits of detoxing your digestive tract

Your digestive tract is a sophisticated system that involves several key organs. It has the important job of digesting your food so your cells can pick up essential nutrients for energy, healing and performing their critical jobs in your body. And when they’ve absorbed those nutrients, your digestive system eliminates remaining waste products.

Your GI tract is pretty impressive. After all, it has to handle a wide range of foods and drinks plus whatever nasty stuff accidentally comes your way. And what might that nasty stuff be? Anything from bacteria and viruses to allergens and other toxins. And occasionally, something throws your GI tract off and you don’t quite feel good. That’s where an indigestion cleanse is useful – it can kick that nasty stuff out of your system and help you feel better sooner. When used periodically, this kind of cleanse can support your digestive system’s healthy functioning.

How to purify your digestive system

Digestive tract detoxes needn’t be complicated. One simple detox involves Polisorb, known for its fast-acting situational relief from digestive discomfort. And what is Polisorb? It’s an enterosorbent – a compound that works inside your GI tract and binds to other molecules. Polisorb is made up of silicon dioxide, a combination of silicon and oxygen found in plants, animals and water. Silicon dioxide acts like a magnet, attracting other molecules to itself through purely physical means and with no chemical reactions.

Part of Polisorb’s appeal is its simplicity. This white tasteless and odorless powder mixes easily with water – just mix, drink and you’re done. As digestive discomfort relief, it pulls out whatever’s causing the discomfort using your natural digestion process. After it attracts toxins, it moves through your GI tract and exits your body.

When used as a periodic cleanse, Polisorb can eliminate bad bacteria and other harmful stuff before it causes problems. Detoxify recommends using Polisorb with its Precleanse herbal supplements for best results. Polisorb can also be paired with another herbal full body cleanse to help replenish nutrients lost during a digestive tract detox. While doing a cleanse, it’s important to drink plenty of water and eat meals with fruits, vegetables and fiber.

Some last words about digest tract cleanses

A healthy lifestyle included a few key components – namely a nutritious diet, physical activity and restful sleep. If you’re already following those habits, you’ve done a great deal to improve your physical and mental health. Whether as a quick reboot or ongoing support, a digestive tract cleanse can supplement your existing efforts and help you achieve a sense of wellbeing.

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