What are the most desirable cities for millennials in the US

Millennials are the largest population group in America, but where do millennials want to live? The choice is a big one: it will determine what city you call home for at least the next decade or so. What should you consider before making any decisions? Here’s a cheat sheet that covers three major factors: adventure, historical significance, and real estate prices.


Charlotte, North Carolina

Millennials will love all the opportunities in Charlotte, which they can easily get to from the Charlotte Douglas International Airport. With a low cost of living and no state income tax, you’ll be able to save up enough money for checking up Charlotte properties pretty fast. Plus it’s also one of the fastest-growing cities around, with almost 20% growth each year, so you’ll be able to always find a new place to live and rent.

Charlotte is known as a young city where everyone is looking to make big changes and see what’s next for them – and there’s plenty more opportunity than many other cities. The city has always been great at supporting their local businesses and entrepreneurs and were named by UBS as one of the top millennial cities in the country.

So, if you’re into history or just want an affordable place to live that’s not too far away from other big cities like Raleigh and Atlanta, Charlotte might be the best choice for you!

New York City, New York

Millennials who want the most culture possible flock towards NYC, where everyone from artists to investment bankers alike can be found walking down Lower Manhattan or upper Park Avenue to go enjoy the very diverse type of people and places NYC has to offer. Coffee at one of the thousands of cafés you can choose from, or even some of the best food you’ve ever had (or at least the most Instagram-worthy). The only downside to NYC is it does get expensive if you want to live in Manhattan. But for those who are willing to travel some extra distance on the subway lines, New Jersey offers a lot more affordable housing options that offer just as much fun and culture as any part of the city itself.

The diversity of people and businesses makes it an exciting place where anyone can feel at home. New York City allows you to find a group that suits your personality and interests perfectly without feeling like an outsider at all.

Austin, Texas

Millennials looking for a place where they can start their own business will love Austin. Your business, similar to LLC in Texas can scale down or up operations and resources to suit the organisation’s needs and quickly adjust to the new scenarios. If the business’s needs increase, you can easily upsize the cloud capacity by expanding the remote servers.

This city is filled with opportunities for startups and small businesses to grow without interference from large competitors. Some students have made it big here by starting online business ventures during college or even afterwards. Whether you choose to become part of the art scene, the food scene, or any other scene in this city, you won’t have a problem finding people to share your interests with here.

Austin is a great place for millennials looking to change up their life a bit and take a risk. The only problem could be that everything costs more here than it does in other cities that are just as fun but not always as successful or popular – at least for now! But those who stay will find they can enjoy some of the best social activities around.

Denver, Colorado

Denver is one of those hidden gems where everyone wants to go once they hear about it from someone else who’s been there already. There’s so much going on in this city all year long, which makes it perfect for millennials looking to get out of the boring college towns they’re stuck in during school.

Denver is filled with opportunities for breaking into their specialized industries, whether it’s food or tech, or music. You can always find a new social activity or event here that’s suitable for your ideal friend group. And you won’t ever want to leave because the city is surrounded by mountains and wilderness, making it one of the best places to live if you love the outdoors!


Seattle, Washington

People are flocking to Seattle with dreams of starting their own business or finding work at Amazon or Microsoft headquarters. The beautiful surroundings provide endless hiking trails and other ways to enjoy nature, while people with an interest will love how much there is to do and learn here.

Right now, millennials who want to become entrepreneurs might find this is the best place to do it because rents are low and there’s more of a sense of community than most other bigger cities like San Francisco or New York City can offer. And you know that dream about living by the water? Well, you’ll be able to do that here!

Los Angeles, California

Millennials with a dream of working in entertainment will love living in LA because it’s filled with opportunities for them to get into the business and make some new connections that could lead to great things. There are also plenty of great nightlife options here if you’re looking to party hard on your weekend nights, plus beautiful weather pretty much all year long, which is another bonus considering most people live in this city only during the week and take off on weekends.

So, if you’re thinking of starting your own business in the entertainment industry or just want to move out here because it’s something you’ve always wanted to do, LA may be the perfect place for you to stay!

Miami, Florida

Whether you’re looking to retire in style or graduate college and take on a new adventure, Miami could be the right city for millennials who are ready to spend some time taking care of themselves before they get their careers started. Thousands of people flock here every year for that very reason.

Just like all other popular cities, though, this one does have its share of problems when it comes to sky-high rent prices. But living here also has its benefits too – especially if you love warm weather and partying on the beach!


These cities provide everything one millennial could want including social activities with friends, entertainment careers like acting or music production, an exciting nightlife scene full of bars and clubs (Miami), easy access to outdoor fun (Seattle), great weather year-round (LA) – you name it! If you’re trying to decide where to settle, consider Charlotte or Denver, since they provide millennials real estate stability and a welcoming community.

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