Understanding the difference between General and Pediatric Dentists

Pediatric dentistry and general dentistry are both vital to oral health, but there are some key differences between the two. General dentists usually treat patients of all ages, while pediatric dentists specialise in treating children. Both types of dentists are trained to diagnose and treat dental problems, but pediatric dentists have additional training in dealing with the unique needs of young patients.


Some of the main differences between general and pediatric dentistry are explored here.

The age of patients treated

As you may know, the age of patients treated is key to understanding the difference between general and pediatric dentists. This is the general guideline, whether you ask a South Austin kids dentist or a Charlotte pediatric dentist. General dentists usually treat patients over the age of 18, while pediatric dentists treat patients under the age of 18.

There are a few reasons for this. First, children’s teeth are still growing and developing, so they need special care to ensure that their teeth remain healthy as they grow. Second, children can be more prone to cavities and other dental problems, so it’s important to have a dentist who is specifically trained in dealing with these issues.

Finally, children can be more anxious and fearful than adults when it comes to visiting the dentist. That’s why pediatric dentists are specially trained to deal with these issues and make sure that your child has a positive experience at the dentist.

If you have any questions about whether you should see a general or pediatric dentist, please don’t hesitate to ask your dentist for advice. They will be able to help you decide which type of dentist is right for you and your family.

The size of patients treated

One of the main differences between a general dentist and a pediatric dentist is the size of patients treated. General dentists typically see patients of all ages, while pediatric dentists focus specifically on treating children. This means that pediatric dentists have a lot of experience working with smaller mouths and teeth, which can be helpful if your child is nervous or has special needs.

The type of patients treated

The main difference between a general dentist and a pediatric dentist is the type of patients they see. General dentists usually treat patients of all ages, while pediatric dentists focus on treating children. This means that pediatric dentists have more experience in dealing with the unique needs of young patients, such as those with special needs or behavioural issues. Children can be more active and uncooperative than adults, so pediatric dentists must be patient and have good communication skills.

The type of procedures

Another difference between these two types of dentists is the type of procedures they perform. General dentists are able to do things like fill cavities, clean teeth, and perform basic extractions. Pediatric dentists, on the other hand, are specially trained to handle more complex procedures such as sedation, braces, and oral surgery.

The training

Both types of dentists are trained to diagnose and treat dental problems, but pediatric dentists have additional training in dealing with the unique needs of young patients. This includes behaviour management, child development, and sedation techniques. This additional training helps them better understand the unique needs of children and how to best care for their developing teeth.


Whether you see a general dentist or a pediatric dentist for your child’s dental needs is ultimately up to you. However, it’s important to choose a dentist who has experience treating children and who makes your child feel comfortable. If you’re not sure which type of dentist is right for your child, ask for recommendations from friends, family, or your child’s pediatrician.

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