This working mum…


I see you on your first day back from maternity leave sat at your desk, holding back the tears. Everything about work feels like another lifetime ago.

I see you on your phone – checking to see if the children are ok. Photos are sent from the childminder looking after your baby and they bring a bittersweet smile to your face. You feel like you are missing out.

I see you on your lunch break shopping, but not for yourself. You’re buying for your children. You see other mums with their children and you instantly reach for your phone to see photos of your own.

I see you clock watching when it’s near the end of the working day to make sure you leave the office on time so you can battle the journey home to spend a few precious hours with your children.

They see you when you walk through the door as they come running towards you with big smiles and hugs and kisses. You’ve missed them as they have you.

Being a working mum may mean you are not with your children all the time but it certainly doesn’t stop you thinking about them.

This working mum sees you and knows you are doing the best you can to juggle work and a family.

This working mum….is you.

About The Author

22 thoughts on “This working mum…”

  1. I’m a working mum & I deal with a lot of guilt about not always being there for Mini M. I have to remind myself I’m showing him the importance of work but also building for our future. We need money to be able to do things as a family xx

  2. I have just started maternity leave to have my first baby in 2 weeks and I know that I will have to go back to work, we can’t afford me not too. It is something I know i’m not going to look forward to. xx #picknmix

  3. This is a lovely post. We all have different circumstances and I admire you for doing what you have to do. You are clearly an Amazing mother.

  4. What a lovely post – I always try to make time to speak to people in my office who are returning to work after maternity leave. I know what it feels like and hopefully can give a message that it is possible to make it work.

  5. What a lovely post. I went back to work and couldn’t stand this side of it. I lasted three months. We’ve had to make so many sacrifices so I could do that. It feels horrible sometimes doesn’t it. x

  6. Oh this is lovely and was so me when I went back to work after my son. I cried in the toilets on my first day. I was always looking at my phone and desperate for pics from the childminder. It was a relief to give up work when I was pregnant with my second. But I did find it got easier, I hope it does for you xxx #kcacols

  7. Aww I love this Maria!! I understand what you mean as when I had Bella I had a period of time that I was working too and it was hard. I was also constantly checking my phone for updates and looking for photos too. It is really difficult to be apart from your kids. I really like being a SAHM now. It has been lovely so far to spend more quality time with my girls, especially with Sienna that is at home all the time. 🙂 xx

  8. Ah this is just lovely. It’s so so hard leaving them to start with but it does get (a bit) easier. I always remind myself I am setting a good example to them that I am independent and have my own career. Plus after a while it can be kind of nice to have a little break from them – maybe that’s just me! That said, I did go freelance so that I could work two or three days instead of 4 so I could spend more time with them! xx

  9. This is beautiful. I went back to work for a short period after i had my first daughter and I can relate to every word xx

  10. Ah what a beautiful post! Anytime I’m without the kids I am constantly thinking of them like you write about. I’m a SAH mom but I know if I was working outside the house I’d be just like you describe here. #KCACOLS x

  11. This will be me again in a few weeks, a part from I’m working from home and it’s the girls that are going to nursery. I’m going to have constant reminders of them all around me. I think it’s going to be very lonely at times with no colleagues in the room to distract me x #KCACOLS

  12. I’m still finding it hard being at work part time 6 months later. I feel so guilty a lot of the time. Also jealous of your lunch break, I’m lucky if I have 5 minutes to shove a sandwich in teaching.Thanks for linking to #PickNMix x

  13. mommyslittleprincesses

    Such a beautiful and heartfelt post hon. *hugs* I can’t even begin to know what this feels like, but reading this post did make me tear up. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday.xx #KCACOLS

  14. Sophie Blakemore

    I’m so glad I can work from home – but also that I can get away.
    I’m in the middle – somewhere between missing them like crazy and being really relieved to leave them every morning!

  15. This is a great post. I am lucky to be a stay at home mum now atm but totally feel for those who work full time
    Thanks for linking up with #justanotherlinky

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