The year we finally renovate and extend our home?

We’ve talked and talked about it but we are hoping that this year will finally be the year we renovate and extend our home.

We moved in 12 years ago, pre-marriage, pre-kids and we spent weekend upon weekend doing the house up ourselves.

Renovating has been a long time coming. Needless to say, our three-bedroom house has slowly but surely been taken over with the boys and their toys. More than that though, we find we are needing more space to accommodate everyone’s needs.

I would love space for a small office. The boys would like a playroom (preferably one where ALL their toys will live and I can shut the door to) Mr H, more than likely would love to have some space where he can get back into sketching and painting again.


It all leads to the fact that we need to rework our current living space and create something that will work for us all as a family. We are looking to extend our property to give us that much-needed room whilst also finally updating our currently hideous galley kitchen too before finally renovating the rest of the rooms in our house.

We had wood floors laid down when we first moved in and they have most certainly seen better days. When we finally come to choose our new flooring I would go for wood flooring again and look to replace our skirting boards too. With two boys who like to play rough and are consistently dropping their toys on the floor, something hard wearing is top of my requirements.


I can’t wait to start looking at the different options on how we can decorate and furnish our home with new furniture but we will, of course, have a budget to stick to. I’ll be scouring the internet for the best deals. I’ve already come across Oak Furniture Land discount codes which would be ideal for buying a new dining table set.

VoucherButler also has some great deals on things like sofas, lighting and blinds – all things we will need to update our home with.

First things first though, we need to find out how much we can remortgage so we can start planning!

Are you thinking of renovating or extending your home this year too?

*Collaborative post

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4 thoughts on “The year we finally renovate and extend our home?”

  1. Pingback: 4 ways to keep on top of cleaning | Suburban Mum

  2. Pingback: Growing my home to fit with my family | Suburban Mum

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