Taking the lead, shopping and muddy puddles

We’ve had a bit of a heatwave down in London over the last few days, yesterday after school we even had the paddling pool out. This morning? Rain and lots of it. Apparently, we’ve had about a months worth of rain in just a few hours. I don’t mind, for once I welcome the rain. I think we all needed it to cool off from the heat.

I dug out our raincoats and welly boots for the school run and I have never seen M so happy splashing around in every single puddle he could find.

I don’t work on Fridays and today, we didn’t have a lot planned. After dropping his big brother off to school we headed into town. I needed to pick up a few last minute items in preparation for him starting the School Nursery next week.

We only needed a few things, a new water bottle and a spare pair of wellies and for once we didn’t have anywhere to rush to.

M was happy splashing around in puddles, stopping to look at the trains go by and wanted to stop to watch the builders we were passing. We never usually stop – I am always in a hurry to get to where we are going and normally usher him along but for once I was happy to let him take the lead.


We spent the morning walking on walls, looking at toys and possibly going up and down every single escalator in The Bentalls Centre. And why not?

He was SO happy and loved being in charge of where we were going next. We did eventually get round to buying the bits we had gone in for.

As we were leaving, he wanted to go up the “big escalator” in the centre that takes you from the ground floor right the way to the top floor. I had promised he could go on it earlier so off we went. Whilst we were on it, he turned around, beamed at me and said:

“I love escalators mummy”

Sometimes, we just need to let them take the lead and do the things they want to do don’t we? He has come home tired but oh so happy.


  1. It was so hot and now this so-so weather but sometimes we must make the most of what we are having I suppose! You bet he liked being in charge. It’s nice sometimes #KCACOLS

  2. Awww, this sounds like a lovely morning, I bet he felt so grown up being in charge.

  3. It sounds like you had such a nice day. I completely agree with this. Life is so hectic that it’s easy to forget you’re dragging little people around when they just want to stop and take things in. Slowing down every now and then is good for everyone! #KCACOLS

  4. Kristin McCarthy

    Very true. The other day I released the toddler twins outside after a huge rainstorm…in only diapers…and me barefoot to jump in muddy puddles. I am sure the neighbors were gawking as I dont see many kids out running like little ragamuffins these days, Everything is so structured and neat.

    They were squealing- and I was happy- and I thought…who gives a shit if people think I am cray and that my kids are unkept little animals. They are exploring, happy and with mommy.


  5. It has been way too hot, gauge in the car said 37 degrees this week. Glad you’ve had a nice time since! #KCACOLS

  6. I love taking the girls for extra long walks when it has rained to see how many puddles we can jump in. The rain always turns me into a big kid! Letting the kids take lead is important sometimes, they always remind me to keep things simple, not every good day out needs to be huge and pre planned.

  7. Aw this sounds like so much fun! I love the “wellies” for rubber boots 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday Fyi it was odd tweeting it out to you twice 😛 Great job hosting each week, it is a ton of work!

  8. custom writing

    Even the weather cannot stop your daily adventures. I think that such a change does not spoil your mood. It was a beautiful day for you.

  9. Ah that’s lovely.Glad he had a nice day 🙂 x #KCACOLS

  10. Sometimes the simplest things are the best activities for little ones. We have spent hours jumping in puddles or riding on buses just for the sake of it! Make the most of times like this before they are too old

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