Review: Savisto Retro Food Stand Mixer

When time allows I love to bake. If you ask Mr H his favourite baked good that I make it would undoubtedly be Chocolate Brownies. As for the boys, they love helping me bake but their favourite part is always licking the spoon!

Previously, I’ve always used a food processor for baking which although does the job, it’s not ideal – especially when making larger quantities as I find that flour inevitably ends up getting caked around the bottom of the mixer attachment.

I have wanted a stand mixer for a while now but could never quite justify spending out the money on one, so when Savisto offered to send me one for review I happily accepted!

Savisto is an English company that aims to provide stylish looking gadgets and accessories into the home and kitchen (and stylish they are). They stock a huge array of items ranging from Kitchenware, Home and Health & Beauty.

The Stand Mixer comes with a large stainless steel bowl equipped with a splash guard. It also has three attachments, a spatula and a small recipe book. I had a quick look through the recipe book and decided to try the Peanut Butter Cookies recipe from it.

The mixer has six speeds and a pulse option which allows you to work through ingredients easily. I used speed three and four for the cookies as per the instructions and found the mixer really easy to use. I simply had to measure out my ingredients and pop them through the hole of the splash guard and before long my cookie dough was ready.

Overall, I found the mixer simple to operate and most importantly easy to clean too. The bowl can be removed from the mixer with ease and the attachments can be dismantled quickly for cleaning. The spatula is super handy for helping you get your cake mix out of the bowl as well.

Using the Savisto Stand Mixer was like a walk in the park compared to using my food processor. I am really looking forward to baking some more goodies in the weeks to come and especially in the run-up to Christmas! I am looking forward to making pizza dough and bread with it using the dough hook. Hopefully, this means I can save some much-needed space in our kitchen and throw our (very old) bread maker away! I may even attempt making my own pastry for mince pies this year – so watch this space!

The stand mixer currently retails at £95.99 which I think is really reasonable compared to other brands that are out there. It would make the perfect gift for any budding bakers out there who (like me) don’t already own one. Best of all? It won’t break the bank either.

You can buy the Savisto Stand Mixer (which comes with a 2-year guarantee) from the Savisto website. Why not follow them on Facebook or Twitter too?

You can also see other Savisto reviews here.

*We were sent the Savisto Stand Mixer in exchange for this post. All opinions are honest and my own.

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83 thoughts on “Review: Savisto Retro Food Stand Mixer”

  1. What a beautiful looking machine! That price is pretty incredible too! I have been wanting something similar to this for ages, but can’t justify the $600 price tag (350pounds).
    Look forward to seeing yummy recipes in the future!
    Thanks for sharing

  2. It’s when I see things like these (beautiful and shiny) that I wish I wasn’t so useless in the kitchen! Aaargh! Please share the end product when you get baking more! #KCACOLS

  3. I would love a stand mixer but it’s a luxury I can’t afford since I can’t justify buying one as I probably wouldn’t use it as much as I say I would. I have great intentions of being a wonderful baker but it never really works out that way 🙂 #kcacols

  4. I have always wanted a fancy stand mixer…I don’t think I would really use it as my fat ass does not need baked good lying around- I just think they are so adorable!


  5. That’s a handsome looking mixer! I have a K mix which I love, I haven’t tried making bread in it yet, but I might just have to try now you’ve given me the idea! #KCACOLS

  6. I am getting into baking in a big way, and my 2 year old loves it…I would love to get a mixer, and this one looks perfect, especially the price! #KCACOLS

  7. Mommy's Little Princesses

    Love the colour of Savisto mixer it looks so stylish. Lovely review hon and I’m glad it’s a walk in the park to use. P.s. the peanut butter cookies sound yummy too.xx #KCACOLS

  8. I’ve always wanted a stand mixer (I’ve made a few pitches to companies! lol!) Our daughter is the baker in our family so she would love one of these. The colour looks fab too. Thanks for sharing your review, Maria! So lovely to meet you at Blogfest too! #KCACOLS

  9. Fran Back With A Bump

    That looks a god mixer and so much cheaper than a KitchenAid which I have been hankering after for years and which would probably just end up gathering dust as making too many cakes could be dangerous! Thanks for co-hosting #kcacols

  10. My husband has been lusting after a stand mixer for years and someday we had hoped to buy one of the very expensive Kitchenaid ones. This looks like an affordable alternative though and I’m glad to hear that you have found it effective. #kcacols

  11. It is stylish! I also use my food processor for baking when I get the time, which isn’t all that often. This does look easier to clean #KCACOLS

  12. Ooh very fancy! I’m not the one for baking, although I do enjoy it – mainly because I don’t have much baking equipment! This would definitely come in handy as I’m so fed up with using a manual whisk and my arm gets so tired after only a minute or two!! Great review. #KCACOLS xx

  13. Ooh I’d love one like that, it looks super stylish, I’d love a black one to match my kitchen… just in case Santa’s reading of course 😉 #kcacols

  14. Katy - Hot Pink Wellingtons

    This sounds wonderful, and so much more affordable than that other famous brand that comes to mind! It looks great too, definitely one to keep out on the kitchen counter! #KCACOLS

  15. This looks and sounds amazing. I’ve only got a food processor and I’d love a stand mixer like this. I bet those peanut butter cookies tasted yummy xx #kcacols

  16. This looks really nice and sounds like a great mixer. I have always wanted a stand mixer but don’t think I would get enough use out of it yet. When my daughter is a little older then I definitely hope to bake more with her so will have to bear this brand in mind. Hope you enjoy your baking over Christmas! #KCACOLS

  17. That’s a really good price! We’ve been considering a Kenwood one for ages but this looks like it might do the trick. Thanks for sharing #KCACOLS

  18. I’m so jealous! I would love to review baking equipment on my blog! I love baking, particularly cupcakes. This one looks amazing, mainly due to the splash guard which mine does not have. It’s such a pain when I mix flour or icing sugar and it goes EVERYWHERE! #KCACOLS

  19. I’m so jealous you got to review this! It’s amazing! I am a keen baker, particularly cupcakes. Since moving i haven’t got to grips with my new gas oven so its taking some experimenting! My mixer doesn’t have the splash guard or look half as stylish! Icing sugar goes everywhere! #KCACOLS

  20. This is lovely!I have the same problem with my food processor, we made a cake with pumpkin at Halloween and it was horrific to try and clean. Would love the hubby to get me one like this. Hint 😉 x #kcacols

  21. Oh man, this is one of my dream purchases. There are certain things that are wants, not needs, that I just can’t afford right now, but are on my list for when we can! #kcacols

  22. Sarah

    Must be great for the bakers out there! I have a little hand mixer and for the amount of baking I do (maybe 6 times per year) that does me just fine 🙂 #KCACOLS

  23. Carolina Twin Mom / Mary Peterson

    You had me at “easy clean up.” Most of the time I will avoid baking projects that involve a mixer or food processor because I know that I’ll be spending more time cleaning up (the worst part). #KCACOLS

  24. I love to bake and always lust over mixers but can’t justify one! This looks great, I’m glad you are enjoying it x #KCACOLS

  25. That looks like a bit of a dream Maria! I have a little lady wanting one for Christmas so I’m in the process of looking for a kid friendly one. It will be a bit of an update on the one I had when I was a child (which I still have). #KCACOLS

  26. Is this the one that’s sold in Liddl? It just looks a lot like this one. 😀
    Hubby is dying for one of these – I’ll show him your review! 😀 Thanks so much for sharing.


  27. I don’t have a mixer, but this has really made me want one! I always think they cause more washing up, but thinking about it that’s not true at all! You are so good having a bread maker, I’ve never made bread in my life…perhaps I should give it a go? You will get so much use out of this making all of those treats for Christmas xx #KCACOLS

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