
Review: Roald Dahl’s The Witches

Last Thursday I took E on to see Roald Dahl’s The Witches at The Rose Theatre in Kingston.

We had a lovely afternoon out and I honestly cannot remember the last time we had some one on one time together.

We arrived early and had some lunch at Nandos (E’s choice) before heading to the theatre to collect our tickets from the box office and to meet up with some friends who were also joining us.

We’d actually read a few chapters of the book a few months before and E had also seen parts of the film adaptation on TV.

The Witches at The Rose Theatre, Kingston

The story is about a boy whose parents died in a car crash so he goes to live with his grandmother. She enjoys telling him stories and he especially enjoys the stories about Witches.

Witches do not look the way you think with black pointy hats and brooms. Real witches look just like women – except if you look close enough you will see that they wear gloves and wigs.

Witches do not like children and the leader, the Grand High Witch has cunning plan to rid the world of all small humans.

Does she succeed?

The Witches at The Rose Theatre, Kingston

The Witches is very entertaining and funny. The show lasts roughly and 1 hour and 40 mins including an interval in between.

Although it’s recommended for children 7+ you could most definitely take children aged 5+ who have good concentration and are not easily scared. There are parts which some children would find a little scary – particularly when the witches are being poisoned and the whole theatre blacks out a few times for effect.

The Witches at The Rose Theatre, Kingston

Both E and his friend who are almost 6 and had no problem sitting through the show and the “scary” parts didn’t phase them one bit. I thoroughly enjoyed it too and found parts of it very funny.

The theatre production has been done really well and unlike the movie stays very true to the Roald Dahl book.

The Witches is currently on at The Rose Theatre daily until April 10 2016.

If you fancy going along over the Easter holidays you can book tickets via the website.

There are some great upcoming shows –  Tiddler And Other Terrific Tales runs from 24-26 June and Erth’s Dinosaur Zoo runs from 30 July – 1 August.

Are you a Roald Dahl fan – which book is your favourite?

Photo credit: Catherine Ashmore

We were invited to see The Witches for the purpose of this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

About The Author

10 thoughts on “Review: Roald Dahl’s The Witches”

  1. It looks like a really fun show! The Witches was always one of my faves by Roald Dahl x

    Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday!

  2. I am a massive Roald Dahl fan and was thinking of going to see The Witches at The Rose theatre. Cygnet is only 19 months though. I think he might be too young. I am going to have to go without him. #KCACOLS

  3. Educating Roversi

    I loved The Witches as a kid so this looks like great fun! I’m looking forward to taking Mini R to he theatre now he’s getting a bit older #KCACOLS

  4. I’ve always loved Roald Dahl, but was scared of The Witches, especially after I saw the film!
    This looks like a great show though 🙂
    Laura xx

  5. Looks really good from your post. My boys have a thing about clowns and witches so I don’t think that I would manage to get them there!:)) I’m working on it!

    mainy – myrealfairy


  6. mommyslittleprincesses

    Oh my doesn’t this look and sound fabulous! We have only recently read our first Roald Dahl book which was Fantastic Mr Fox and the girls found it really enjoyable. Xx #KCACOLS

  7. Pingback: The Twits at The Rose Theatre - disgustingly funny! | Suburban Mum

  8. Pingback: Review: George's Marvellous Medicine at The Rose Theatre, Kingston | Suburban Mum

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