
Review: Barracudas Activity Day Camp

You may remember that I wrote about Barracuda Activity Day Camps at the beginning of last month. The boys had a taster session booked in at one of our local camps a couple of weeks ago so read on if you’re interested to find out how they got on.

A bit about Barracudas Activity Day Camps

Barracudas have 46 locations across the South East of England. They are a family-owned company that is registered with Ofsted and rated Outstanding more than any other comparable provider giving parents peace of mind that their children will be well looked after.

The day camp is suitable for children aged from aged 4½ right through to 14, and they have an early (8am), or late club (6pm) pick up and drop off option which ideal for parents as it allows them to do their days work while their children have fun.


Barracudas Activity Day Camp review

Our first impressions

Our local Barracudas Camp was a short 15-minute drive away and located in a private school. The first thing I noticed was the amount of staff they had on hand. There were two outside waving bubbles welcoming the children, while inside there were three sat by the registration desk ready to take your details.

Quick and easy drop-off

Dropping the boys off was an easy process, there was a pre-registration form that you are emailed a week before which you have to fill in and bring with you on the day. On arrival, you simply state your children’s names so they can look up which group they will be in for the day depending on their age. The youngest children are in a group called Minnows, and they progress through to Dolphins (which M was in), Piranhas, Stingrays (which E was in) and Barracudas. You’re then given a card and a password for the day which you use at pickup at the end of of the day. The whole process took no more than 5 minutes and was very efficient. Armed with their packed lunch and swimming bags, the boys happily went off into their prospective groups for the day.


One of the things I really liked was the fact they had the day’s activities listed clearly on a whiteboard behind the registration desk. This meant parents could have an idea of what the children would be doing that day, which was a nice touch. It also made it easier for me to ask about their day as I had prompts to use!


What did the boys think?

The boys are no strangers to activity camps and have been to a few over the last couple of years. Usually, when I ask them how their day was and what activities they got up to, I am met with “I don’t remember”, but this was not the case with Barracudas Activity Day Camps. They came out excitedly telling me about their day and all the different activities they tried.

Photo credit: Barracudas

Barracudas Activity Day Camps have six sessions in a day, each session gives the children a choice between two different activities. The boys tried Swimming, Fencing, Volleyball, Archery and a game called Egg Drop (where you have to design and build something to protect a raw egg) which seemed to be one of the boy’s favourite activity. They also enjoyed having a splash around in the pool which was another big bonus for them.


Overall, they both had a fantastic day at Barracudas Activity Day Camps. I’ve never seen them come out so enthusiastically recalling what they did during the day. I know they wouldn’t hesitate to go back and from a parents point of view, I would happily send them again too. The staff were very friendly and knowledgable and there is a good adult to child ratio within their designated groups too.

To find out more and to see where your local Barracudas Activity Day Camp is head over to their website.

*This is a paid collaboration with Barracudas Activity Day Camps. We were also given a complimentary session at Barracudas Activity Day Camps for the purpose of this post.

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