Radio silence – did you miss me?


Wow, it feels like I’ve really neglected my blog over the last few weeks. Are you lovely people still out there?

Last week was horrendous. This project I have been working on since the New Year (in addition to my usual job) finally went “live” on Friday but to get to that point it saw me work almost 17/18 hours straight and it almost broke me.

I ended up going to bed at 4am Friday morning with a website that was supposedly “launched” but was a complete mess so a holding page had be put up it its place. I slept for 3 hours before waking up to try and deal with this catastrophe. Thankfully things slowly worked out.

I have hated working all hours over the last few weeks but when you have a share of your own business (hubby is self employed and runs a design agency) there really isn’t much choice.

I have been pretty grumpy with the boys due to tiredness and they have watched far too much TV but on Friday afternoon the site was finally live. I switched off my laptop and we all went out for a well deserved meal and a (huge) glass of wine. There were no “work distractions” over the weekend and we spent it altogether.

I have a few new things lined up for the blog over the next month or so and I think I’ve finally decided on a linky that I am keen to kick off – so watch this space!

About The Author

2 thoughts on “Radio silence – did you miss me?”

  1. I’m glad your project is live (although the hiccups on d-day must have been awful!!) I’m hoping you’ll have a chance to get some work life balance back now that it’s out of the way!

    1. Ahh thank you! Am glad its live now but still lots of loose ends to tie up and more work lined up for the future which is great but… yeh work life balance and all that! Thanks for commenting – means alot. x

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