
Our weekend in photos #4 – Bank Holiday edition


Wow – I am so behind in posting this – you would not believe how many unfinished posts I currently have sitting in my drafts! Anyway – casting our minds back to the bank holiday weekend….

Saturday – E had swimming saturday morning and whilt we were waiting for him to get changed I managed to capture this very cheeky photo of M


We headed into Kingston afterwards as we needed to pick up E’s birthday present. May is such a manic month for us as it’s mine, hubby’s AND E’s birthdays. We bought him a really cool transformers bike which we know he will LOVE, but had to hide it from him and it’s currently being stored at my mum and dads house.

The weather was quite mild so we took a lovely walk along the riverside.


Sunday – we met with my cousin whom I have not seen in ages! She who had a baby boy back in February (her second) and we met up at De Havilland Aircraft Museum so the kiddies could have a run around and enjoy looking at all the aeroplanes!


We spent a good couple of hours here and it was really interesting to learn it is one the oldest aviation museums in the UK. The boys really enjoyed looking at all the aircrafts and testing out the seats and buttons.



We then headed to a pub nearby for some lunch and the boys enjoyed running around outside the garden racing one another which was really cute. E was absolutely smitten with Baby S and loved having cuddles with him, it so very sweet and it reminded me how great he was when M was first born. He was definitely born to be a big brother.



Both my cousin and I have vowed not to leave it so long to meet up again (the last one was a year ago!) When we were growing up, we lived in each others pockets during the school holidays and were really close. We both agreed that it’d be really lovely for our boys to be able to have that same closeness especially as there is not much difference in age between her eldest and M.

Monday  – We went with friends to Kempton Park racecourse for their family day. We have talked about taking the boys horse racing before but never got round to doing it so it was great that I won tickets through mumsnet.


The boys had so much fun watching the horses parade round before each race and E picked a few to back himself.

Making use of our National Trust binoculars!


E teaching us his yoga moves that he’s learnt from school



The family day consisted of a play area with a huge bouncy castle, slide and facepainting. The main event for the kiddies however was the Frozen sing-along after the day’s racing ended. We didn’t stay for this as E has school the next morning but we did see lots of very excited children throughout the day dressed up as Anna and Elsa!


M was too little to go on the giant slide


After such a busy weekend it was just all too much for M – he fell asleep halfway eating his curry at the Indian restaurant we went to after Kempton. The sign of a good weekend I think?

What did you get up to?

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