
Our Favourite Five – July

It’s been a busy old month – M did indeed get chickenpox from his brother and sadly had to miss Night Garden Live. E had fun at his first summer fayre at school and we got to see him perform as a lion at his summer concert. We also got an absolutely glowing school report so I think it’s safe to say he loves learning and is looking forward to Year 1 in September.

In other news, Mr H and I finally started eating healthier and joined Slimming World. I went to see Ed Sheeran at Wembley and M is finally becoming less clingy to me which bodes well for him starting nursery in September!

Onto our favourites of the month:

1. Slimming World

I have lost a total on 10lbs so far doing Slimming World the last 4 weeks which is fantastic. I honestly don’t feel like I’m dieting at all. I’m planning my meals to make sure they are healthy and watch what I eat. It’s given me the boost I needed and I’m hoping that as it’s not felt like I’ve been dieting that it will be something I continue to stick to as I hope to lose at least about two and a half stone.

2. London Aquarium

We have been going to the London Aquarium on and off since E was 2. It’s always been one of the places he loves going to – especially now with his vast knowledge of sharks. We headed there again last weekend after a visit to Shrek’sAdventuree and M seems to love the place too. There is something definitely very calming about watching sharks and fish go by.

3. Summer holidays

No school runs for 6 weeks! It also means we get to go on days out when I’m not working (I work 4 days a week) mixed with lazy pyjama days watching TV and playing with toys. Life can slow down a pace for E over the summer for some much-needed rest.

4. Building train tracks

This is definitely a favourite of the boys at the moment. Most days train tracks are built that go from our living room floor all the way into the dining and back out into the hallway before going back into the living room. It’s great that the boys love doing this together but it does also mean I end up tripping over all the tracks and the trains!

5. Between – Netflix series

We have had our Netflix subscription since we moved over to Virgin in February and although the boys have been putting it to good use watching cartoons, hubby and I were only watching the odd movie here and there. We decided we wanted to try and get into a series and have been watching Between. It’s based in a town called Pretty Lake where mysteriously anyone over the age of 22 suddenly starts to die. The town is just left with everyone under the age of 22 to fend for themselves as the government has put the town into quarantine until they can figure out what has happened.

That’s our favourites for July – what were yours?

Linky rules

Each month I will list five things that my family and I have been into – be it a favourite song/band, new programme on tv, an item of food, gadget place(s) we have visited etc…

You are very welcome to join in and do the same OR post any of your own favourites – pretty much anything goes.

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  • Use the hashtag #OurFaveFive on twitter and tweet me @suburb4nmum with the url of your linked up blog post and I will RT
  • Leave me a comment and I will comment on each post linked up
  • The linky will open the last friday of each month
  • That’s it – enjoy! I hope you find some new things to try

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4 thoughts on “Our Favourite Five – July”

  1. I’ve been meaning to take our girls to an aquarium, looks like the London one is a good one to try, I’ve never been there. It’s a bit of a challenge finding things to keep them entertained over the summer isn’t it!! I think they’d really enjoy that train, looks brilliant! Becky x #OurFaveFive

    1. I’d highly reccommend the London Aquarium – it’s great with lots to see and the great thing about the location is that there is always something going on along South Bank to entertain the kids x

  2. I’m so sorry chicken pox has bothered you agaion this month. You poor guys! Thanks for hosting again and sorry my contribution was late. It’s so hard to write not Oscar isnt at preschool, but I’m trying!

  3. Lisa@intotheglade

    Oh those chicken pox are a nightmare! Ed Sheeran sounds great. I am sorry that I missed linking up, I was away and the internet was really dodgy/non existent. I will definitely be linking in August x

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