Our Favourite Five – April

I can’t believe we are almost at the end of April already – seriously how fast did it go?

May is one of the busiest months of the year for us. Not only do we have two bank holidays we also have three birthdays to celebrate (Mr H’s, E’s and mine) and we are also having a little Eurovision party this year so lots of party prep for us (by that I mean me)

Anyway – back to April. I do love looking back at the end of every month to see what we have been up to.

Here are our favourites for this month.


This had to be on the top of our list. We had such a lovely time away – amazing views, fab company and my goodness we ate and drank A LOT. It was perfect! The boys loved being able to have a dip in the pool every day as well as being able to go to the beach and spend time goofing around with their friends. We are already looking into booking our next one but you can check out the post I wrote about the beautiful cottage we stayed in here.

New Bunk Beds

This actually happened right at the end of March but just missed being in my favourites last month. M was in a cot right up until we bought bunk beds and I had visions of him keep getting out of bed but thankfully he has been brilliant with the transition.

The boys loved sleeping in their bunk beds last night and M didn’t get out once!

A photo posted by Suburban Mum Blog (@suburbanmum) on

It also means that there is a bit more space in the boy’s room now where they can play. We desperately need to buy some decent storage and choose some new colours to paint the walls so hopefully, we will do that over the next couple of weeks.

Me time

M upped his nursery days just after the Easter holidays which has meant that on Fridays I now have a whole 4 and a half hours to myself. So far, I’ve not spent it in the most productive of ways. I felt really lost without him the first week and spent it mooching about around the house. I was tempted to get back into bed but settled on drinking tea and watching daytime TV instead. Last Friday, I met up with a friend and we went for breakfast in our local Squire’s Garden Centre before heading home to do a mammoth clean of the house because we had a play date around ours after school.

This week? I have plans to go and see the lovely Lisa from Mrs Savage Angel which I am very much looking forward to.

Five Guys

We’ve had a Five Guys near us in Kingston for a while now and both Mr H and I have been meaning to go and try it out. We were shopping in Guildford after having been swimming a few weeks ago and couldn’t decide where to go for lunch – well that was until we spied Five Guys.

It’s not cheap for a family of four (it cost us just over £40) but we did order too much but the burgers were AMAZING! They were so tasty and I have never seen so many choices for toppings! If you’ve never tried it before – you simply must go!

Last official day of our hols so we went swimming and then had our first ever @fiveguysuk It was sooooooooo good!

A photo posted by Suburban Mum Blog (@suburbanmum) on

The 100, Season 2

We’ve been waiting for this to come onto Amazon Video for ages now and finally it has!!! We watched the first season back in September last year. If it were down to me I’d be totally binge-watching all of them in one sitting but the husband is a bit more restrained.

That’s our favourites for April – what were yours?

Linky rules

Each month I will list five things that my family and I have been into – be it a favourite song/band, new programme on tv, item of food, gadget place(s) we have visited etc…

You are very welcome to join in and do the same OR post any of your own favourites – pretty much any top 5 list goes.

  • Please grab my badge (below) and add it to your post, or link to me via a text link
  • Post your link at the bottom of this page
  • Use the hashtag #OurFaveFive on twitter and tweet me @suburb4nmum with the URL of your linked up blog post and I will RT
  • Leave me a comment and I will comment on each post linked up
  • Comment on the post before yours
  • The linky will open the last Friday of each month
  • That’s it – enjoy! I hope you find some new things to try

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Read my previous Our favourite Five posts

About The Author

13 thoughts on “Our Favourite Five – April”

  1. Captain Bobcat

    Hello lovely ladies, I’m a bit late on this, but link is uploaded now 🙂
    Hope you all have a fab May ahead.

  2. Rachel Melton

    Great post, love things like this. I’ll get a post written & join in. I have never heard of Fiveguys, I need to find out what I’m missing xx

  3. Some great things for April hun! I must remember about this linky next month! Can you give me a little nudge hun? xx

  4. My husband went to Five Guys in the States and said it was fab and a lot cheaper out there too. It looks as though you have a great times in Devon – what fab photos 🙂 thanks for linking up to #lovelythings

  5. Kathy @ Hopes, Dreams and Chocolate

    Well we did have a rather fab time in Devon didn’t we?! And already feels like years ago The bunk beds look brill; bet the boys love them xx Kathy #OurFaveFive

  6. Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby

    Sounds like fab start of the month, not been to Devon but was interesting to visit in the future. My sons used to love to sleep on the top of the bunk bed until we have to separate it to put the bottom one in her sister’s room and he was very upset about it, but he’s used to his normal bed now. The 100, I so love the show… same with you I could binge watching it as well. They’re actually on season 3 now.

  7. I’ve been meaning to watch The 100 too but we have so much other stuff to watch it’s unreal lol! Also when me & Jacob went to Brum there was a Five Guys in the station but we didn’t have time to try it, would have liked to though as I remember reading your post 🙂

    (Also I thought I had already commented on this but it seems I hadn’t!)

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