Days 5 and 6… and we have two “ouch” forms in two days!
So I’ve had two of these “ouch” forms in the last two days after picking up from school. I didn’t even realise yesterday until I looked in his book bag!
It informed me that he had hurt his chin and had an ice pack on it. After asking E he told me that “Lucas” threw an instrument at him…. I’m not impressed. I’m not sure what school etiquette is but to only be informed by a piece of paper surely shouldn’t be standard practice?
Then he came out today and told me he got kicked in the nose and had a nose bleed – whatever next? I hope this isn’t going to be a regular occurrence!
About The Author
Hello and welcome to Suburban Mum! I'm Maria and I'm mum to two boys - E who's 14 and M who's 11. This blog is about my family, the ups and downs of being a working mum and everything in between. If you want to find out more about me and my family head over to our About us page.