
Now you are Seven

And then you were Seven!

In the blink of an eye, you’re another year older and what a fab year you’ve had! It’s been packed with lots of fun days out and weekend breaks away – literally adventure around every corner.



This was the year you lost the first of five teeth and we’ve been so impressed. You didn’t bat an eyelid when the dentist wanted to extract one of them either.



School wise, you have shown us how much you enjoy learning – especially when you were learning about Victorians for your topic. Your reading and comprehension and handwriting has gone from strength to strength too. Following in your brother’s footsteps, your drawing also made the front cover of this years’ Reading Diary and we were so proud!




You still love trains, tanks and racing cars but also have a newfound love of rollercoasters after our holiday to PortAventura in the summer. You can spend hours drawing your own rollercoaster designs which you then try to build using your hot wheels track.


We’ve still not managed that sleepover you’ve been asking for yet but I am hoping we can organise that for you this year.

Your obsession with pugs has increased tenfold this year and you’ve told us that you are going to get one when you’re an adult! When I asked you what birthday cake you’d like, you didn’t hesitate to tell me you wanted a Pug cake. (of course!)



You’ve broadened the foods you love this year. You still love a good spaghetti bolognese but one of your new favourites is Enchiladas and when we eat out you love a Chicken Korma curry and we know we can’t go wrong with “Old McDonalds” which is where you’ve asked to go for your birthday.


You continue to love making us all laugh by pulling funny faces and being silly although sometimes you don’t know when to stop and I love that you think that smile of yours will get you out of trouble.


Happy 7th Birthday my cheeky boy, I am looking forward to seeing what this year brings you. xxx

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