On the second day of Christmas…My list to Santa this year

Thanks for coming over from Tales of an M.E Mummy this is my second post for #12DaysofParenting, you can read my first post here which also explains a little about what this is about. Today’s sponsor is Babybundle and they are donating a Hoppy or Patch towards the prize draw which you can enter below.

Today, I’m going to share with you, my letter to Santa.

Dear Santa,

It’s been a while since I last wrote to you but rest assured I have been really good this year. In fact, I have been pretty non-stop ever since I had children. They have a way of taking up ALL of your time, don’t they? And even when you are away from them you can’t stop worrying about and whether they are ok.

So Santa, I want to be selfish for a moment and think about ME. Here is my list this year…

Going to toilet in peace
I can imagine this being on top of most mum’s lists because children always seem to really really need you when you decide to pop to the loo. Or in my case – they decide to have a huge fight over toys which you can hear escalating but have no way of intervening because you are stuck on the toilet! I guess I should be grateful that they never took up the habit of following me to the toilet? Small mercies and all that.

The gift of time
There are just never enough hours in the day for me to do everything. If you could just add a few extra hours onto each day just so I can catch up with things I always seem to be behind on (washing, ironing – you know the score) that would be ace.

A night away
In all my five years of being a mum, I have not had a night away from the boys. I would LOVE to be able to have a proper lie-in, breakfast in bed with TV that I want to watch (rather than Cbeebies or Nick Junior) and newspapers to read (and not Biff, Chip and Kipper!)

Magic shampoo
I’d love to have something that magically turns my dry frizzy hair into luscious, glossy locks with minimal effort. A magic shampoo that you just need to use once a week would be ideal (dry shampoo doesn’t quite cut it, I’m afraid)

If you could make just ONE of these things happen I will be forever grateful and shall be leaving out extra mince pies on Christmas eve. (shhhh don’t tell Mother Christmas!)

Love Maria x

If you’d like to continue the blog hop take a look at Oh Little Sweet One’s list to Santa this year you will also gain further entries into the grand prize draw.

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Our Christmas code word is: Cuddles

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Read my other 12 Days of Christmas posts:

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