Mend your relationship with your body after pregnancy using these tips

Giving birth is a process that understandably takes its toll on the body. During pregnancy and after your baby is born, it’s normal to notice significant changes to how your body looks and feels. For some people, this can feel exciting and remind them of the joy of parenthood. For others, it can be unsettling to feel disconnected from your own body. If you have been finding it difficult to see your body in the same way as before giving birth, here are a few tips you can try.

Focus on fitness

Growing and giving birth to a baby requires a lot of the body’s resources. Apart from the stress of taking care of a new life, post-pregnancy is a tough time for the body as it needs to recover from the sudden changes. A great way to speed up the process of feeling more like yourself is to gradually increase your exercise in duration and intensity. Don’t push yourself too hard to avoid injury but don’t neglect your fitness either.

woman exercising

Look after your skin

As mentioned already, pregnancy draws on your body’s resources. This affects everything, including your skin. You may have been complimented on your glow during pregnancy, but afterward, you may notice that your skin has lost its lustre. Take the time to experiment and figure out what your skin needs. A good foundation is as follows:

  • Make sure to drink enough water every day;
  • Improve your intake of minerals and vitamins;
  • Be gentle with your skin;
  • Wear sun protection;
  • Cleanse daily and moisturise regularly.

Deal with hair loss

Just as other parts of the body unexpectedly change during and after pregnancy, you can experience hair loss as one of these symptoms. For many people, this problem eventually resolves itself as part of a normal hair growth cycle. However, there are instances where losing hair is more severe. Taking comfort in your hair isn’t vain and visiting a place like Harley Street Hair Clinic allows plenty of people to restore their hair after pregnancy. You may find that your attitude towards your body and appearance has been negatively impacted by hair loss. Dealing with this issue can help to boost your confidence again.

Combat any pain or discomfort

You may experience some physical pain after your pregnancy. It is always best to tell your doctor so they can investigate and solve the problem before it becomes serious. Once you start to notice the pain decrease, you will also feel more connected to your body.

Know which changes to embrace

Trying to revert to your pre-pregnancy body is not the appropriate goal. Instead, learn which changes you want to address and which you should embrace. For example, putting on weight or eating differently after giving birth aren’t inherently negative side effects.

Although it is normal for bodies to change over time, especially after such an important event like childbirth, it can still be disorientating to experience. Learning to adjust and accept your new body means prioritising your wellbeing, both physically and mentally. By staying fit and embracing changes that you can’t control, you can feel at home in your body again.

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