Super easy home storage solution with LOVESPACE

A lot of baggage comes with having kids doesn’t it? The ridiculous amount of clothes they go through at an alarming rate and of course the numerous number of books and toys they accumulate. If your house is anything like mine it will be cluttered and full to the brim.

It can be a real headache to even know where to begin decluttering especially if you are looking to sell your property and need to store items temporarily. However, there are companies out there that can help with home storage.

Ease of use for mums

LOVESPACE is one such company and the best thing about using them is that they will come to you to pick up your items to store them safely until you are ready to have them back. As a busy mum who has attempted a clear out of old toys lately, I cannot tell you what a welcome service this would be. Said toys are still currently in a bin bag in the boot of our car waiting to be taken to the charity shop! In situations like this, LOVESPACE can take the hassle out of visiting charity shops and will take any donation boxes to Oxfam for free. Amazing.

Home storage solution

The LOVESPACE booking process is super easy – you can simply login to the website, book a slot that conveniently suits you online and they will come and collect from anywhere in the UK. Collection can be as soon as next day so if you are in the process of selling your house and have a last-minute viewing and need to urgently store items so you have a clutter-free house, this could be perfect. They can also deliver back to you next day and items can be tracked online too.

LOVESPACE could also be suitable for home storage if you are looking at renovating. You could pack all the contents of said room up into boxes. Parents who are lacking in space and need to store items temporarily – those winter clothes that you don’t currently have space for? They could all be stored securely with LOVESPACE. Items are charged either by the box or per large item so you only pay for what you store. Boxes can also be delivered back to you at any set location that is convenient to you.

Receive £20 off!

You can receive £20 off their service simply by using the code LOVEMARIA on the website. (expires 31 December 2017)

Why not give LOVESPACE a try?

*This is a collaborative post with LOVESPACE


  1. This sounds like such a fab idea – it would be great to be able to just store a couple of boxes rather than have to pay for a full storage unit.

  2. What a fab service! Ideal if you are moving house and need storage whilst you decorate.

  3. Such a brilliant idea. We’re constantly battling storage in our house – every time I think we’re on top of it we have an influx of new stuff!!

  4. This is such a clever idea! As I don’t drive we always have to wait until the weekend to get rid of unwanted items, (and they always end up back in the toy box by then anyway haha) x

  5. It is a great idea for decorating and renovating – I always struggle with where to put things

  6. Halina Vie Choufleur

    This sounds AWESOME! We have so much junk laying around that we really don’t want to get rid of but nowhere to store it…definitely going to check these out, thanks!

  7. Cool. Love that they come to you. Storage is so expensive, I’m storing quite a bit in my grans attic. #KCACOLS

  8. This is such a great idea, I always have bags of clutter I need to get rid of and not having a car right now means them delivering to you is just perfect #kcacols

  9. This sounds like a really helpful service. We do live in a crazy stuff obsessed world though. I wonder what our elders would make back in the 40’s and 50’s. Could they have ever imagined having so much stuff that they would need to purchase storage for it all.

    I’m a total stuff hoarder though. Constantly trying to have a clear out.

    Thanks for linking up.#KCACOLS

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