Love riding your bicycle? Here’s how to stay safe doing it

Riding a bicycle is one of the best ways to stay active and enjoy nature. It’s also one of the safest forms of transportation, with very low rates of accidents per mile travelled. However, there are still ways for riders to stay safe while on their bike. Here are some tips for staying safe while out on your bike.


Obey traffic laws

Just as with driving a car, it is important to obey the traffic laws when riding your bike. This means following all stop signs and signals, using crosswalks where available, and riding in the same direction as traffic.

It is also important to be aware of your surroundings at all times. Be alert for turning cars and opening doors, and always use caution when crossing streets. Remember that drivers may not see you, especially if you are riding at night or in bad weather. Many of these accidents can be prevented by obeying traffic laws, but it is important to stay vigilant at all times. If you get yourself into a dangerous situation, it is best to dismount and walk your bike across the street. If you are ever in doubt about what the law requires of bicyclists, please check with your local police department, experienced lawyer, or transportation authority. They will be able to tell you exactly what rules apply in your area. And as always, stay safe out there.

Be visible

Riding a bicycle can be one of the most rewarding things you do each day. It is an excellent way to get exercise, it gets you out in nature and away from electronic devices, and depending on your commute it can save money that might otherwise go towards gas or public transportation costs. There are many benefits but if there is one thing that could put cyclists at risk for accidents with motorists, particularly motor vehicles during peak commuter hours, it’s visibility. Drivers cannot see bicyclists very well especially when they’re coming up quickly behind them. To protect yourself make sure to wear bright clothing (reds/oranges/yellows) so drivers know where you are located, turn on lights after dark, ride closer to traffic instead of darting in and out of cars, make eye contact with drivers before you go through an intersection.

Use the right gear

When you’re riding a bike, it’s important to use the right gear. This will help keep you safe while you’re on the road. Make sure to wear a helmet and other protective gear, such as gloves and sunglasses. You should also make sure your bike is in good condition and that the tires are properly inflated.

If you’re going to be riding in bad weather, make sure to dress appropriately. Wear clothes that will keep you warm and dry, such as a raincoat or boots. And don’t forget to bring along some extra food and water if you’ll be out for a while. Additionally, it’s a good idea to carry a cell phone with you in case of an emergency. An easy way to do this is to look at purchasing phone mounts for bikes.

Watch for cars and other cyclists

It’s important to be aware of your surroundings while riding your bicycle, especially when sharing the road with cars. Always scan for oncoming traffic and make sure you are visible to drivers. Remember to stay alert at all times and avoid distractions, like using your phone.

Be especially careful when passing other cyclists, as they may not have time to see you coming. Signal before you pass and make sure there is enough room to do so safely. If there isn’t enough space, wait until it’s safe to pass. Never ride in the blind spot of a car or truck.

Use front and rear lights

It’s important to be visible when cycling at night, especially if you’re riding on roads with cars. Make sure your bicycle is equipped with front and rear lights that are bright enough for drivers to see you from a safe distance away. This helps ensure other cyclists or drivers can spot you easily in dim lighting conditions.

Watch your speed

Cycling is a great way to get around, but you mustn’t go too fast. While some roads may be designed for high speeds, remember cyclists are much more vulnerable than drivers and will need extra time to stop or manoeuvre out of harm’s way. Stay in the right-most lane unless there aren’t any cars behind you and always obey traffic signs and signals. You can even take your bike on sidewalks if they have them where you live since pedestrians also have the right of way when using these paths.


The best way to stay safe while riding your bike is to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions. Always wear a helmet, obey traffic laws, and use lights at night. If you follow these tips, you’ll be able to enjoy cycling without worrying about safety.

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