Half-term and Knole Park – Living Arrows 8/52

Wow, half-term seemed to just fly by for us. I was working but we still managed to fit in lots of fun things. We went bowling on Tuesday evening with some friends. Its become a bit of a tradition that we get together for bowling in the school holidays and its something the boys really look forward to. They’re allowed to play on the arcades afterwards too which is probably their favourite part!

I had booked the boys into a Mini Ninja Sushi School at Yo! Sushi on Thursday morning. Both boys really enjoy cooking so I thought it would be an activity they would enjoy doing and I wasn’t wrong. They really loved it and came away with a box of sushi to take home each. I worked for the rest of the day while they played happily and we went to see the new Sonic movie that evening.


Friday was my day off and we had arranged to see some friends over in Sevenoaks. We went to a National Trust Place called Knole Park and we spent the whole day outdoors. The boys absolutely loved running around, playing football and having fun with their friends.


M had a go at what it would feel like to be the owner of a dog and took our friends dog for a little walk around the park. It was so sweet to see.


I can’t wait for the weather to warm up, it feels like we’ve spent so many weekend indoors! Did you get up to much over half-term?


I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

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