
Woodland Walk and Laser X – Living Arrows 53/53

It’s the last Living Arrows of the year and I’ve made it to the end and managed to post a photo every week! I have loved sitting down each week and putting this post together. Its given me lots of memories of the boys to look back on and see how much they’ve grown.

We have spent the days between Christmas and New Year mostly at home playing games and watching movies and it has been so nice. The run up to Christmas is always so hectic so we needed this time to rest and have lots of family time.

We headed out for a woodland walk the day after Boxing Day where the boys to go test out their new Laser X blasters that they got for Christmas. I think its safe to say they loved running around, hiding behind trees playing. We all have blasters each so you can guess who the boys were running around trying to shoot!



I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

About The Author

6 thoughts on “Woodland Walk and Laser X – Living Arrows 53/53”

  1. Ha! We bought our kids the Nerf gun equivalents for Christmas. Our neighbours’ kids and some of their local friends have them too, so our cul-de-sac often looks like a giant game of Laser Quest at times just now.

  2. It has been so, so lovely watching your boys grow through the year and following all your adventures. Thanks so much for being part of Living Arrows x

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