Visiting Father Christmas – Living Arrows 51/53

I can’t believe Christmas is now officially a week away! The boys are at school right up until the end of this week and I finish on Thursday but we simply cannot wait to have just over two weeks off to relax, eat our body weight in chocolate and lounge around in our PJs!

We went to see Father Christmas on Saturday at Chessington and unfortunately, we didn’t pick the best day to go as it was cold and wet for most of the day. We tried to make the most of it though and while we definitely won’t be going back there for Christmas again the boys still enjoyed the day.


I love this photo of the two of them on Sea Storm, it was one of a few rides we could go on that day.


We were so grateful to get home that evening to defrost in front of the fire and watch a movie.

Sunday, we braved the supermarket and did the bulk of our Christmas shop. It was really busy but I’m relieved that bar vegetables we have everything we need for the big day! I can’t believe my next Living Arrows post is going to be on Christmas Eve and I am so close to completing a whole year of Living Arrows!

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

About The Author

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