Choosing our Christmas tree and letters to Santa – Living Arrows 49/53

The first weekend of December and oh my goodness the boys were super excited to wake up on Saturday morning to see that the elves had arrived.

We had a busy run-up to the weekend with their school Christmas Fair after school on Friday. There were lots of stalls with gifts, tombolas and lucky dips. They both decided to head into the “secret” room to choose a gift for Mr H and I which they wrapped themselves. It’s very sweet and M is desperate for me to open the gift he chose!

We then went to choose our Christmas tree on Saturday. It’s become a yearly tradition to all head off together to see if we can pick the best tree. We have quite a narrow space for our tree so we have to choose wisely.


After that, we went to IKEA as we’re looking at revamping our living room in time for Christmas. We needed a new TV unit but Mr H and I are undecided on colours!

Sunday we had a trip to B&Q to pick up some new blinds and lampshades. The boys had such a thrilling weekend traipsing around with us but it just has to be done sometimes doesn’t it? They did manage to write their letters to Santa though so that’s one thing to check off the Christmas list.


I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran

Living Arrows

About The Author

6 thoughts on “Choosing our Christmas tree and letters to Santa – Living Arrows 49/53”

    1. We have been – the run-up to Christmas always seems to be that way! We didn’t do too badly in IKEA but we are going to have to head back there again next week!

  1. It sounds like you had busy weekend! Choosing tree always seems like such a lovely activity to do together – unfortunately I’m allergic to Christmas trees so we have to have a fake one though! #LivingArrows

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