Hampton Court Palace & Bike riding- Living Arrows 32/53
The first week back from our holiday was tough. Oddly, I felt ok waking up and heading into work on Tuesday morning (we arrived home late Monday night) but I was flaking by the evening and on Wednesday I was even more tired than the day before. Is jetlag even possible on such a short flight?
The boys have laid in most days, not waking until around 9am which has been lovely. It’s still so hot back home that they’ve taken to spending most of their day indoors with short spells in the garden.
They spent the day at our local Fit for Sport Activity camp on Thursday. It’s the second time they’ve been now having tried it before over the Easter holidays. E, was a little grumpy about going but I think he was just a bit tired. The instructor who signed them out when I went to pick them up at the end of the day remarked how enthusiastic they both were about all the activities they had on offer so I think they enjoyed themselves!
Friday was my day off so we had a slow start to the morning at home before heading out to spend a few hours at Hampton Court Palace. It was the boy’s first time and they had fun learning all about Henry VIII and nosing around the palace. Good job we were inside too as it was another roasting hot day. We took a stroll in the palace gardens towards the end before heading over to the magic garden play area for a play before heading home.

Saturday we were up and out early as we had an appointment with a mortgage advisor. Boring life admin has to be done with the kids in tow sometimes but luckily they were happy to play on their tablets for half an hour. Afterwards, we took them out on their bikes again. The confidence of them both now on their bikes is huge!

I’m sharing weekly photos of the boys to celebrate their childhood and linking up to the Living Arrows linky
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth
Khalil Gibran
4 thoughts on “Hampton Court Palace & Bike riding- Living Arrows 32/53”
Life admin is so hard around the children isn’t it? Our mortgage needs sorting this month and it’s so hard to find the time. We haven’t taken the children to Hampton Court yet – it’s so lovely there! x
Life admin is so hard around the children isn’t it? Our mortgage needs sorting this month and it’s so hard to find the time. We haven’t taken the children to Hampton Court yet – it’s so lovely there! x
I have not been able to get anything done since the kids started their holiday! Lovely photos. Hampton Court palace looks glorious in the sunshine #livingarrows
It sounds like you had a lovely week, despite still recovering from your holiday. We’re away at the moment and I think it’s going to take a while to get back into our routine when we get home. #LivingArrows